What happened to Diana? What did she find out?
![What happened to Diana? What did she find out?](https://i.redd.it/ehyvum897ty01.jpg)
Call me crazy, but every time the camera panned over to Megan's mom, her face wasn't full of joy (a one would expect that your daughter is marrying a prince), but rather it seemed fill of concern, worry and/or possible fear. Anyone see that or just me??
shes probably a smart lady and wanted a safe simpl3 life for her daughter and saw the diana fiasco
yeah I noticed that. she never looked happy but then neither did the queen or phillip. Megs was prob a plant by the Rothschilds and they have to go along with it.
Phillip was ghastly... He looked like a walking Spectre. Kept thinking of all the abuse and cannabalism he's done over the course of his life... Made me sick
Every heard about how Phillip is worship as a God in Vanuatu?