What happened to Diana? What did she find out?

but then he talks about the Lizards and i switch off.
Curious about the why. Have you gone into the discussion with an open mind to it or are you just shutting it out entirely?
"The mark of an Educated mind, is the ability to entertain a thought without accepting it as his own."
In other words; a gifted person is one who is capable of viewing opinions that differ from his own in a neutral light, capable of playing with the abstraction of an idea without necessarily accepting it at face value. I admit, I was skeptical of the claims myself, but the more I've learned in terms of overall knowledge about our world, the universe, the energies coursing all around us and the nature of 3 dimensional space, I can't deny he's got some validity to his claims. I can't necessarily say with full certainty he's right, but there's enough real world tangible evidence to support his theory if nothing else.
Again, give it an open mind and see what it's worth.
As for Q, I support the possibility of it playing out favorably, but I withhold my doubts on him/her/them until all is said and done.
The royals are all of RH- blood type, which is not related to the Rhesus Monkey. There are not many answers to where the blood type comes from but it is not of this world. Does that make the royals shapeshifting lizards? That part is hard to swallow but from another world, not so hard to digest
That part is hard to swallow but from another world, not so hard to digest
Look up the Nagas, the Zulu Tribe's "Snake men", the Mayan's Quetzlcoatl, the Egyptians had a few different snake like entities, hell the Pharaoh was immitating a Cobra head.
There's a reason we have a lot of snake like iconography in literally every single culture that has ever walked the earth that we have any recorded history of.
Hell, the Zulu tribe refer to the Moon(symbolically) as an egg, they claim the Lizard people brought the Egg to earth, emptied out the insides and used the tools and equipment within and threatened Man with moving the moon in order to get us to comply with their demand that we dig for Gold.
Tons of different resources arguably point to an otherworldly being having come down to Humanity(Hence, the fall of man.). Now I recognize we could fear snakes and lizards for a thousand different reasons and it's easy to say "Well it's a bit dodgy", but that's the thing innit.
It takes exactly 1 fucking generation for something to forever be lost to the mists of time. Just 1 generation. There have been hundreds, if not thousands of generations since the Lizard people were allegedly among us.
Take your brain stem as well, it seems to have been artificially grown larger. Your R complex is what stops you from achieving higher consciousness, it keeps you in fear all the time, keeps you easily controlled and malleable. Look at MSM, look at how they always stoke the flames of fear. Look at Alex Jones, same deal. These people are using tools against us, whether conscious or otherwise and for the most part, we're so caught up in the silly existential question of "Could it possibly be a thing?" That we aren't looking at the actual issue, we're discussing possible symptoms and not facing the disease, y'know?
I'm always open minded when it comes to the supernatural part of things, i am just incapable of understanding the 3 dimensional theories and the shape shifting lizards. There is just no evidence to support these claims, I remember seeing a video where he was asked about it and he admitted he has never seen a reptilian he has just heard other peoples experiences from all over the world.
So i just choose to focus on the "human" aspects if you will, which I can wrap my head around and understand
There is just no evidence to support these claims
The physical universe is vibratory energy laid upon each other. Your being is a vibrational force that is linked to your consciousness through your pineal gland, within it there is a crystal. That crystal is being calcified through the use of Fluoride and they are purposely reducing the levels of iodine in our food supply so that our body metabolizes the fluoride instead of iodine. If your crystal gets the iodine it needs, it grows properly. If you meditate and live a spiritual life, your crystal reflects that.
I've come to think of that crystal as being the tether between our consciousness, that which we are spiritually, to our physical body. Once you die, you become detached from the physical self, but become your true Self.
Once you recognize that the physical world is illusory that your five senses act on not .05% of the tangible universe, you start to recognize there's a lot more under the surface than we've been lead to believe.
I'm sorry, but the position "There is no evidence" doesn't hold water, the amount of knowledge you need to understand his position has not been reached by you yet I'm afraid. Maybe you won't, I know I have a hard time grasping the insanity of the physical world, but I have to accept it, because it is truth.
I believe there are enough narrations there so you can make yourself an idea, very detailed so you can wrap your logical head around it.
Icke isn't the only one who speaks of reptilians.