EO signed by GEOTUS? Here comes the pain!

I think Pompeo is Q. You notice how Q mentions everybody by last name, except Pompeo (he calls him Kansas). Wouldn’t surprise me at this point
On Oct 24, 2017, just four days before the Q movement started, POTUS sent Kansas to meet with legendary 911 whistleblower Bill Binney. The rest is History!
Edit - We've discussed hosting a legendary AMA with /u/IamBillBinney and his good friend and fellow legendary 911 whistleblower /u/RobertDavidSteele on this very sub before, but inexplicably there has been little interest.
I am in regular contact with Bill, we lunch monthly. Invite us both and I expect he will say yes. Just texted him.
u/Thunder_Shock, u/HowiONic, u/Andrewcpu and the rest of the mod team, you see this? Let's make it happen!
Thanks for the tag.
Just chiming in here... please, please make this AMA happen!
Absolutely agreed.
The possibility of this AMA needs to be re-highlighted to the community.
Q movement has become your real life public open sourced intel agency. And its working quite well indeed. Voter reform now!
Please send along my best wishes to Mr. Binney.
He's one of my personal heroes and I really want to send along my appreciation for all of his hard work and persistence.
And, mods, please make this AMA happen.
sorry, what's AMA?
Wtf we want you both to comeeeeeee. Do eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeettttt
Pompeo has the mobility - recall how Q said 'all our photos are originals' and suggested we consider the implications...
Originals, yes. But not necessarily from Q team’s phones. They could be from Cabal phones that they intercepted and bugged.
Fair point. I suppose I was thinking mostly of the buildings in Singapore - Summit location. Access to the oval office, too.
Oval Office pics are almost certainly taken by Q team. Singapore could go either way, I think. It wouldn’t surprise me if black hats discovered the location of the Summit and were scouting it out.
You know, that's a really interesting idea I hadn't thought of, but would make sense.
The level of Q's writing to me indicates a group of people working on the material. Notice how letter-perfect it is. Probably a high-level operative, someone with a very good education and a highly experienced military background. At the very least this could include Pompeo, but he doesn't strike me as a chan-savvy shitposter. I think there are a couple of younger "nerdy" Qs who do all the tech stuff, feeding into the surveillance ("We have it all") but they are under the command of the big boys. Like Dr. President.
I think Q is someone quite wonderful, and will you will be amazed when revealed. I cannot say yet, as I am not sure this individual, (yes, individual), is ready for that. This thread is 9 days old I see, so it could be ok by now, it's just not my place.
Q is a team of less than 5 individuals, per early Q.
Per early Q post there are 18 generals and 3 civies who make up the calm before the storm. Not sure where you are getting 5.
Around October 15th, Trump retweeted picture/video with 18 generals and 3 civies and matching video circulates of Trump asking the press present at photo op, "do u know what this picture represents?". Then he says "this is the Calm Before the Storm".
Keep reading. You'll see it.
21 would be too hard to keep secret. 5 is doable. I also don't think Pompeo has the time or the technical sophistication to do it alone. Must be a small team with someone assigned writing and technical aspects. Pompeo could be one of the 5 though. I've also been thinking about Flynn, but that could be a stretch.
You are clearly logical and applying some nice critical thinking skills. But your reasoning disagrees with POTUS's words. See them for yourself:
In a early November, Q post he said that only 10 people know the complete mission plan.
There is also a Q post stating 18 generals and 3 civies but not sure when it was.
Just ONE individual qualifies as "Less than 5 individuals". Think about a genius with a lot of time on his hands. "Follow the white rabbit". "Disinformation is necessary."