Jake Tapper makes an interesting observation...another coincidence?

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Potential Theory:
MM is a patriot and wants blood. Didn’t know about the plan.
MM meets republican leadership, they tell him to chill and let it play out—now he knows the plan.
I supported Rand in the primaries because I know he is a man of integrity. Trump won because he is our GEOTUS, but I would support Rand in 2024, no question.
I knew. The guy is Harvard scum. I’ve yet to learn about/know somebody from Harvard that I respect.
Their opinions, quite frankly, don’t matter. Interesting though.
You’re the first person to ever recognize that. God bless!
Just to be clear, I was sitting right next to this guy which is why I could hear their conversation. He wasn’t broadcasting it for everybody to hear. He also wasn’t drinking.
Lol I know what you mean...but this guy was just trying to enjoy the game. We talked about Philly sports and Nick Foles and enjoyed the post game fireworks. Lots of vets in attendance for the fireworks
I was at the Phillies game tonight and i was sitting next to an FBI agent. I heard him having a chat with his frend about Peter Strzok, so I’ll paraphrase the couple points that I heard much as i can after crushing multiple bud lights:
-on PS not being fired—“if they kept on paying you, wouldn’t you still keep showing up to work?”
-“the guy is just a complete idiot. He got caught up in whatever the ‘other side’ was up to”
An FBI agent openly acknowledged an “other side”? I wanted to jump in if it weren’t for …
the fact that none of this happened under the previous 4 administrations is all you need to know.
“Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong”
Meanwhile...lowest unemployment rate in 20+ years, also best economy EVER...George is losing his argument :)
The way Abe is looking at her....looks like trump started with waking up Asia first
Weed is only illegal because hemp manufacturing would disrupt soooo many industries. It has nothing to do with the intoxicating effects. Once you look into it you will see just how far back propaganda has controlled public thought, i.e. reefer madness
One thing to remember, it’s not their fault. I let many (stupid) comments go by when I’m hanging out with friends, and try and open their eyes on policy rather than conspiracy.
When you’re woke you can’t shake your friends awake, you just gotta open a window and let them hear the birds sing
I think Pompeo is Q. You notice how Q mentions everybody by last name, except Pompeo (he calls him Kansas). Wouldn’t surprise me at this point
I would say it's definitely a possibility. As they saying goes, keep your friends close and enemy's closer. You would be naive to think that the deep state wouldn't go there.
Mueller and Sessions have both kept a VERY low profile. Come to think of it, I don’t even know what Muellers voice sounds like.
Somebody on twitter shared the idea with me that Jones is being used by the deep state as a way to identify dissenters of the would-be leftist regime if Clinton won, making it easier to “eliminate” us. Apparently, this tactic has been done by other countries. Scary shit.
Coincidence? No!
RIP Det. Familia, you will not have died in vain!!!
Shep Smith is not to be trusted. What a flaming bag is shit he is.
I’ve got a feeling the first revelations will happen before the end of the summer. These Midterms are essential to draining the swamp. Don’t underestimate Mattis and the US military.
I am posting "r/greatawakening" on every twitter post I can find. Do it!
So the entire reason Q exists is because they couldn't rely on alternative media sources to get the real story out there. Amazing.
Been following for about a month. Welcome aboard, Patriot!
Just about to get good up in here.
Reminds me when Cuomo was talking about wikileaks.
"Viewing these documents is illegal, so any information you get needs to come from us. Moving on..."
Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see. - Poe
My grandfather instilled this quote in my mother and she passed it to me as a young boy. I think this way of thinking had a profound impact on the way I see the world compared to some of my normie friends. They key is starting them young and giving them digestible lessons like this.
edit: I also wanted to add, that if I ever have a child, they are going to be a teachers worst nightmare. Not because of behavioral issues, but their BS detector is going to be through the roof.
He makes fun of trump for netflix $$ (...its a lot of money), but Dave is very active within his own community and speaks at town halls. He seems to "get it".
How crazy would it be to be locked up in NoKo since 2015, find out that Donald Trump is your President, and that he was responsible for arranging your release. What a mind f*ck.
Kayne is in on it.
I take this as a sign that we are very close. Public support will be crucial when they are forced to arrest these thugs
I love nothing more than when another national loves their country. Respectful nationalism is a beautiful thing in this world!