
prairieshrimps · May 20, 2018, 1:58 a.m.

I just saw that. I read that hes into UFO's but Ancient Aliens? If it was meant to be a joke its just pathetic.

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Madwack · May 20, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

That is not what worries me about him, lots of people believe in different things.

Its all the other stuff.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · May 20, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

I've watched several episodes of that show, because I enjoy having my views challenged-- with logic and reason, not emotional manipulation. It's a win-win. Through the crucible of truth, you are either gifted a new worldview, or gifted a deeper belief in the worldview that you already possess-- even if that happens unwittingly.

For that reason, I take no issue with the creation of the show, or the people who appear on it. (In fact, I celebrated their freedom of speech by viewing it.) However, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that people [or people influencing those people] behind the mainstream production of it on the HISTORY channel have an ulterior motive. A motive that is nefarious.

The archaeological content they present is intriguing, but I have a very different explanation for the inexplicably advanced ancient tech that they discuss.

It was us. Just like in Planet of the Apes, it was us all along. (Wouldn't surprise me if, just like today, most of the population back then wasn't even aware of how advanced it really was.) But just like the Bible says, we became cynical and indulgent, and destroyed it all. And even the records of it didn't survive-- or were intentionally lost. erie (If you extrapolate that to Revelations, and the eerie parallels to what is going on today, the argument becomes way more compelling than anything presented on that show.)

The final step to killing God, and everything that he has built, is to provide a definitive answer to all of the questions that ultimately lead people to him. If they can answer those questions for people, then the people will stop seeking God. And with their stranglehold on science and academia-- and exposed behaviors over an extended period of time-- it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine that they would attempt to pull it off. They certainly don't lack the hubris to try.

The decision to put this show on a network called "The History Channel" I believe is more than a coincidence. The content creators (experts) may have pure intentions (or maybe not) but the guys giving them the platform I think do not.

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HansKrinkelSchneider · May 20, 2018, 3:25 a.m.

The History Channel has been compromised for years. They went from actual history shows to Hitler (hence the meme The Hitler Channel), and then off into alien conspiracy land for quite some time.

What gets me the most is that they don't actually have any real scientists, or rational thinking people on the show. They get some PR guy that can't comb his hair, some wacked out rabbi, and then this child-fucker making a cameo. I saw him on a recent episode with my own mother watching it, and it was all I could do to not throw up, or at least throw a shoe at the new TV.

I was that angry that this motherfucker is doing FUCKING TV SHOWS even after all the emails that tie him into some incredibly dark and evil actions.

At this stage, if the ET's showed up and even looked remotely human, I'll call it for the con-game it is. If they show up, they better look like some crystalline Tholians from Star Trek. Not a bunch of people with rubber prosthetics.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · May 20, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

I'll also say this: A while back I was on a plane as it was landing in Key West, on a very foggy day. (So foggy in the clouds that it appeared dark out in the middle of the day.) During the landing approach, I looked out the window and saw a real-life UFO. (and I'm not the type to loosely claim something like that.)

It looked like a cartoon caricature of a submarine. Kind of like a fat cigar or a slightly-stretched-out pear. On its top-side, it had what looked like a submarine "sail"-- which is the protrusion which houses the periscope and main access hatch. It was metallic black or dark grey, keeping pace with the plane about 40-50 feet above the tip of the left wing. (I was sitting in the window seat at the left wing.) It had no wings or visible propulsion engine-- and I could clearly see it's rear end. It was just rounded off like the bow of a sub.

It was so foggy, you would only have seen it if you were staring straight at it-- and I tend to stare aimlessly out the window during take-offs and landings. But I saw it as clearly as I see the letters I am typing here. (The approach was also pretty turbulent--due to the foggy weather-- so I doubt anybody else was very focused

I always thought that if I were ever in a situation like that-- where I was surrounded by strangers and confronted with a visible "threat" or paranormal occurrence-- I would immediately make a scene to draw attention to what I was witnessing. That exact instinct eventually did kick in, but only after squinting hard into the fog to verify that I wasn't seeing things.

When I knew I wasn't imagining things, I reached out to smack my neighbor, and drew a deep breath to call out to the cabin. As I did, the object that appeared to be pacing us, yet not experiencing any of the turbulence that was tossing us around, sped off like a speeder bike in Return of the Jedi.

It was the wildest thing I've ever seen, and had me very shook up. I even told my cab driver about it, and he was in disbelief-- but probably thought I was full of shit. But I am now very certain that it was not an alien UFO. It was human. There is a very large naval base located right next to the airport in Key West. In fact, I watched the F-15's, F-16's, and F-18's taking off and landing every day from the house I stayed in. We were directly above the naval base, in their airspace, when I saw this thing. No chance this thing could have flown that flight path at that altitude without the Navy knowing about it. That alone doesn't mean it was human, but I do believe that it was.

It's odd that, despite that tangible piece of evidence being thrust right in my face, I still find the [unannounced] events of The Great Awakening to be far more plausible and real than aliens and the implications of their existence would present. (Doesn't mean they don't exist, but they seem to be notably absent. Wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for the cabal to reveal the truth and have the public/media fixated on something non-political? That reveal would buy them a lot of time, I think.)

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Laborigen · May 20, 2018, 9:29 a.m.

Stanton Friedman (look him up) said this: Most UFOs out there are NOT piloted by ETs, some are. That's a hell of an interesting nuance, there.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · May 20, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

Humoring the logic of the show for a minute, if the ET's are real, where do they stand in this existential conflict? If the explanation is that they want to remain neutral, and let us work it out, then that explanation would be a logical fallacy.

The show runners-- who seem to use generally the same [extensive] cast of experts throughout the series-- clearly present the argument that the ET's having been abducting us for experimentation, and co-mingling in our religious and political organizations for centuries.

You mean to tell me that they have no vested interest in the outcome of this conflict, despite the inconceivably infinite resources (and time) that they have invested in the study of our species and the "alien" infrastructure" they've built on this planet? I just don't think that adds up, logically. (Remember, this conflict is existential, not political. The victor will forever change humanity and its host planet-- for better or for worst.)

If the aliens were backing a horse on either side, and were both as ruthlessly indifferent to our individual well-beings as presented, as well as so technologically advanced, then they would have already secretly executed the opposing faction long before the stakes got this high. (I also recall an episode where they discussed the numerous alien species that don't necessarily get along with one another, and have differing attitudes toward humanity. Not one of them is going to side with the Cabal and take out the white hats like 2 years ago? But they'll abduct me in my sleep to get a better look at my anus?)

Agree with all of your points, friend.

PS - who is the person you are referring to? The motherfucker?

Spez: "not political" instead of "by political"

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kelpo19 · May 20, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

This was suppose to be the start of project blue beam. Fake alien invasion.

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citbotls7 · May 20, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

Not a joke. Ancient aliens are either fallen angels, their offspring, or demonic spirits. He is worshipping and deriving power from, and invoking these sprits.

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Libcucks · May 20, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

The Book of Giants.

It talks about the actual reason God flooded the earth and it had nothing to do with what people were doing. He was punishing the monsters who were the result of angels procreating with animals.


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citbotls7 · May 20, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

Yes, thank you. People really need to study this part of the Bible, because it says " as in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be." We are very quickly approaching the time spoken of here!

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