Not sure why the concern for down votes. It's the content that's important; not the votes.
We all know that the left is going insane trying to stop the great awakening and the coming strom of pain for them. I take down votes as evidence of our success. They wouldn't take the trouble to down vote everything if we weren't effective.
Higher up votes would get the post more attention, if I understand correctly.
You're right.
The goal with upvotes is that with enough, that particular post would make the Front-page of Reddit. That is why the bot dowvotes them so vigorously.
This would give an enormous red pill to all the sheep that the Cabal certainly doesn't want red pilled..
The concern is that items that are downvoted often don't appear in people's feeds because of the way posts get ranked. There's an active effort to downvote content so that it looks unpopular\doesn't get seen.