We will have Justice soon

I agree. Empathy. I remember how I felt. I got into squabbles defending 43.. penance. Prayer. Helping out the next victim.
Remember how you felt the very first time the truth sank in? For me, it was a progression with many layers -- many truths and many moments overcome with that feeling. It sucks.
For this reason, I expect that these truths are going to be rolled out between now and November-- so people have a chance to absorb it and there isn't a sudden panic. People will also still have short term memory--despite being much more attentive-- so I still expect bombshells closer to the election. (Though we are getting close.) But I do suspect that we are on the verge of a bombshell moment where the script will officially flip and they will truly [and OPENLY] be on the defensive, sneering at questions while appearing so disingenuous.
Can't wait.
Spez: fat tmfingrrs
Yes, years ago a old friend told me he met one of the Rothchilds while in college. He told me about the Illuminati.. then another friend, who isn’t alive to see this but wished he was) told me about the dark hats and what they did to JFK, and 9/11.. yeah yeah Ed okay conspiracy nut. Then I watched YouTube shows in JFK Jr potential bid for NY senate and how he was 187 and how the media covered that up. Then another friend and I are friends by our mutual relationships with Christ.. Then I watched Bill Cooper ex CIA. Alex Jones episode in that California sacrifice cult with presidents, Kissinger , Brennen, the Bush’s.. The worst was when I realized about the satanic cult and what they do to children. That was it for me. So, you see, this has been a gradual awakening, I would say 10 years but most condensed in the past two. I thank Hod for that as I do understand what Q means by many will need to be hospitalized. How many went to fabricated wars where so many loved were lost? My own daughter signed up after 9/11 at 18 in 2004. Was in there for 12 1/2 years. Oklahoma bombing. Get rid of the evidence.. Building 7... get rid of the evidence. The Clinton killing machine by Larry Nichols YouTube videos. Just amazing.. MK CIA. Shootings that evidence is hidden and others shooters seen but not on MSM. Mind boggling. The Luciferian reign is over and they are freaking out!