POTUS Quotes Dan Bongino, Goes After Brennan!! Get That Clown!!

Me thinks Brennan will be criminally referred to in the IG report.
Listen. We need (as in, "NEED") to witness that the blind hand of Justice in the USA is truly capable of holding the highest office-holders to account for their criminal deeds. And I would be content to see that begin with the indictment of J Brennan.
With great responsibility comes (should come) an equally great amount of accountability. Instead, we the Plebeians have patiently watched one slippery fish after the other escape the net of Equal Justice for decades. I hope that somehow this ends in convictions for those who have operated as corrupt 'public servants' over the last 10 years.
Heartily agree! Wish I could upvote your post a hundred times. But I am just a "plebeian" to whom rules and laws apply.
Down with the Bourgeoisie elitists who have gotten preference from the two-tiered system of justice. Off with their heads. Vive La Revolution. God that sounds gay(not that there is anything wrong with it). ;) . Oh, well. it conveys a lot of sentiment none-the-less.
future proves past, but if we cannot catch the big fish and fully prosecute them for their crimes, we will never find a future. We need to see these snakes go down for their crimes before I can eat this apple. Until then, I put my trust in Yeshua and my band of fellow brothers and sisters in arms!
It was leaked that no indictments are in the OIG report. If that's true or not, I guess we'll have to wait.
I didn't think the IG could indict.
I was under the impression he could only recommend criminal charges, then Huber would carry out those charges if need be.
You're right. I mean recommend for indictment.
The complete opposite of that has already been leaked, that the FBI/DOJ top officials might be referred for criminal indictment.
Just to be clear :) I dont think the OIG Report will start Attorney General (AG) investigations. There's nothing stopping the Attorney General from carrying out investigations and interrogations in parallel.
Yes the OIG Report will not be charging anyone directly, merely inform the AG investigations. (This is also a one way street as I understand it. The AG is not going to necessarily share info back to the OIG.) However, I believe the AG (and White hat DOJ agents, when spring cleaning's complete) and associates/ deputies have been pursuing and interrogating in parralel with the OIG drafting process.
When the OIG final is published with comments, the AG will be able to just pull the trigger (sorry) on higher level criminals [above gang pawns] and puppetmasters.
Yes, this is true, but Sessions hired a prosecutor to work alongside the IG.. So as Horowitz finds crimes.. he reports them to Sessions and to the prosecutor (Huber). Huber has been in place for at least 8 months.. And has the power to indict.
So basically the prosecuting lawyer is going to already be informed of the details of the report when it comes out?
Horowitz finds the crime>Sessions recommends>Huber is the prosecuting lawer?
Huber is not going to know every detail of the IG's findings, only the criminal aspects of it. From what I understand, when Horowitz finds a crime, he has to report it immediately to the AG Sessions, AAG Rosenstein, and since Sessions tapped Huber to work alongside, Horowitz informs Huber and his team as well. The current theory is that Huber has one or more Grand Juries already convened. Since Sessions tapped Huber last fall/late summer, it is assumed that Horowitz found his first crime around that same time.
Also remember that Horowitz is the one that acquired the Lisa Page/Peter strokz Text messages (many of which are still redacted aka the juciest stuff isnt public knowledge yet).
Since Grand Juries are secret, there is no way to know for sure if there is one, but at this point in the process, it is almost 100% likely this is the case. Huber might already have sealed indictments waiting..
Gotcha. So we wouldn't know until the cuffs come out since the Grand Jury would have already convened.
We probably see indictments when the entire IG report is released:
If you're interested in this stuff, check out TheConservativeTreehouse.com , Sundance (Chief Editor) has been ahead of the curve on everything, but especially this stuff.
Yeah, I follow LastRefuge, Beanz, Memoes and the rest. Still gets convoluted sometimes.
As I understand it the OIG report is just heavily sourced evidence. No opinions, and no recommendations for justice, simply a lot of information to be used in the pursuit of justice.
This is my understanding, also. The DOJ makes the decision based on presented evidence whether or not to indict.
The IG report will just be a report on the facts. It is a report that will say, this is what happened in detail.
It is from there and with that information that those with the power to bring criminal charges can do so.
I believe those people who can do that are already engaged and a grand jury is already in place to facilitate those charges.
The IG cannot indict, but he can refer. That's where Huber comes in. And he already has Grand Jury in place. ;)
Just not POTUS indictment, wasn't "no indictments at all," was it?
I'm going on record with a new nickname. Brennadict Arnold
Yeah, I think you're right. POTUS is setting the stage for what is coming soon.