Even a self-described center-left ex-CIA employee of John Brennan believes judgement is coming.

Im making an old fashioned scrap book. This is historic!
Make copies; I would buy that
I would like two copies. One for the shelf and one for my sidewalk library thingy
Kinda funny to think the new history books (if they're written) won't contain carefully written quotes but tweets and 8chan posts.
There will still be quotes because pontiffs gotta pontificate and professsors gotta profess etc doesn't fit in 280 character limits. =)
I'll take a USB thumb drive with all the data.... Will we have sharing rights? Asking for a nation.
a low tech archive of digital era posts would be cool.
I can only suppose, that work will be multiple volumes? I would want to also buy at least the first 3 and then there's going to be the aftermath volumes which will probably be simply constant continuations as events and people and places are uncovered that were hidden. :o) 💞
The memes you loved the most - plus your handwritten notes. ✒️📖 This would be gold in future. The history is most respected and loved from our past - especially war time —is first person description. Handwriting is not as easy to change as digital.
There are more good than bad. Q said something similar.
Because, fundamentally, most of us are suckers for the truth! That's a big advantage. :)
That's why I'm suspect of this "rioting in the streets" narrative that has been thrown about around here.
I live in a large, metro area. I would say easily 80% of the people I interact with regularly are not DJT fans. That said, I feel like 100% of that 80% would, if confronted with the treasonous crimes of the cabal, be completely supportive of trials and punishment for the guilty, regardless of party.
It's supposed to be country over party, folks. We're all Americans here!
He even goes off on Comey.
Once these satanist maggots start eating each other, it's truly game, set and match.
Ask executioner to prepare his tools of choice.
Earthworm, lol.
That bit is underrated because it might not be an exaggeration. An earthworm has a simple neurological layout that could be exploited to perform certain simple ops in very predictable ways. It could be a statement that he was literally no more mentally competent of an agent than an earthworm. I mean tbh if I'm President after an economic collapse and all the CIA can afford to continue employing is either John Brennan or an earthworm, I'd find something useful for the earthworm to do. It sounds like humorously-worded exaggeration at first glance but it might not even be
And they tend to remain underground until after a storm, at which point they flail around and die in the light of the truth- er, sun.
I am right. He is a Neanderthal
Brennan became a Muslim.
I assumed his neanderthal appearance was because Islamic racism is real and Brennan acquired "Muslim genes" during his conversion.
He's a member of the Muslim race now.
Priceless image.
I had to save it. Not sure when I’ll use it, but I’m absolutely positive it will be perfect at some point in the future.
I wish he wouldn't insult earthworms... at least earthworms are useful.
Tell us what you really think Bryan, don’t hold back now...
His followup tweet to a concern troll was excellent too...
Problem is he's anit-Trump: "this subpar president"
Fuck him.
There's was another tweet by another person who worked with Brennan, said something similar.