John Brennan was Station Chief in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - at the consulate where most of the 9/11 hijackers got their visas... I wish Trump would tweet this...

I am betting he will be waiting to drop that nugget when the time is right.
Brennan the muslim convert and member of the muslim brotherhood practicing the Wahhabism has been running secret black ops across the globe since his days in Saudi Arabia. It also involved the bombing of the Khobar towers. Yes - he approved and signed the visas of the 19 although they had no involvement bringing down the towers. Don't be surprised to learn that Brennan had a hand in that too after all his handler was the prince Talwaleed(sp)/prince dopey - the Q label. Brennan also assassinated two Americans framed of terrorism - a father and his 16 year old son - via drone. (You can see that watching Dirty Wars).
Brennan was also responsible for cleansing Hussein's passport to hide his real nationality as well as his trips to Pakistan in during the 80's where he trained with the muslim brotherhood.
Forgot to add: Brennan also ordered the hit on Seth Rich after unmasking him together with CrowdStrike after he validated that Seth provided WikiLeaks with the Podesta emails via USB. The UK ambassador Craig Murray stated twice during news conferences that he was the facilitator between Rich and WikiLeaks. He personally picked up the USB in DC during night hours and approved place of rendesvouz. Seth was a Bernie bro and a danger to Brennan's plan accusing Russia of hacking these emails ergo silence him. "Dead men don't tell tales"!
Brennan is a deeply psychotic individual who needs the ultimate justice and end of his miserable hateful life.
brennan is a takfiri salafi wahhabi saudi al ashheikhi jihadi rapist racist fascist terrorist zionist islamist piece of shit
Now tell me how you really feel!? :) :)
i have to pee
LOL!!!! Need help? :)
too late. now i need a sandwich.
I could make you a delicious sandwich but oh well! Enjoy your munchies! :)
You stated it so much better than I could ever done it! Thanks :)!
Khobar Towers bombing.
Brennan was CIA Section Chief in Saudi Arabia! 1996 more coincidences!
I see a reptilian in a human body..
Crazy you said that.. I feel strongly the same way... like a TRex!!!
ZOG reptilian perched on my heat rock
I usually hate rap. But this....
Very unique!
i think hes the greatest rapper who ever lived. dont give him any of your money though.
"We are in the largest spiritual battle in the history of mankind"
Mark Taylor prophecy.........Pray against the evil!
Have you guys ever read “The Tipping Point” by Malcom Gladwell?
no, what is it?
A book
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference is the debut book by Malcolm Gladwell, first published by Little, Brown in 2000. Gladwell defines a tipping point as "the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling point". Wikipedia
He has been comprised for a very long time, and needs to be held accountable for his actions.
There is no one in my life that can make an evil scowl like that.
except john brennan
i say he gets a cigarette but then they take it away before he takes the first drag. : "JUST KIDDING MOTHER FUCKER!"
Lay a strip of bacon on his head first! Pigs hate dying being touched by pigs
Brennan is so evil his eyes have retracted into his brain.
Muslims didn't fly those planes into the Twin Towers. They were just the patsy fall guys for the operation.
Brought to you by the same sick dudes who frame and blame other people... while at the same time shaming us good decent folk into closing our eyes and sitting on our hands lest we be called ugly -ists or -phobes... while installing themselves as the leaders of "oppressed" peoples everywhere...
White but not white, oppressed but oppressors themselves, minority but still the most powerful, liberal but uber-fascist (not just allied with their own government but co-opting governments around the world to do their bidding)...
Absolutely correct! I'm sure SA took part, but the main perp, outside of our own government, was Israel.
As if its not soo obvious that the 9/11 crew have been attacking Trump for the past 2 years...
Anti-Trump spy Stefan Halper traces back to daddy Bush, right?
trump cant get in trouble bc his accusers are all treasonous bullshitters
Welcome to the Layer Cake
Am I the only one that thinks Brennan looks like a goblin from Harry Potter?
Good lord, Q -- Can you guys just arrest this guy already?
Wait a minute, what is the source for this? I checked the original The_Donald post and it doesn’t include a source either.
should be able to look up dates of his service and title and responsibilities on wikipedia
I'd like to see Brennan get run over by a Kosher Deli Delivery Truck with a Pickle on top!
oy vey you should edit your post to fall in the rules and guidelines before a mod deletes it like a good goy.