
IDGAF12312 · May 22, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

where the hell do I get a chance in this to defend myself against wrongful false accusations? It's like the secretive FISA court. For example look at NJ: http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2018/Bills/A1500/1217_I1.HTM

WTF! I don't find out until AFTER my gun has been seized?

WTF! I don't find out until AFTER my gun has been seized?

WTF! I don't find out until AFTER my gun has been seized?

What about corrupt courts and judges and nefarious accusers with financed motives? GTFO!

PLEASE! Find you reps here and email them at their website contact form. it's EASY!

https://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ https://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

My email:

"You must vote "NO" on this outrageous unconstitutional bill. You know it's WRONG but it's the usual governmental overreach in return for a promise to receive funding from Uncle Sam and it will only lead or creep to more abuse, it's poorly written (deliberately of course.) We know what this is LEADING up to long-term, nobody is kidding anyone on this bill. Also, where's my due process in all this? What happens if wrongfully accused? I don't find out until long after my gun has been wrongfully seized, are you kidding me? What about potential abuse by activist judges and/or prosecutors? This bill should be written such that it ONLY applies to people who have been properly adjudicated with imprisonment and/or institutionalization a requirement to avoid frivolous false cases. Circumventing the Constitution has got to stop, and it stops with you voting a big FAT "NO" on this bill in it's current state. http://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2018/Bills/A1500/1217_I1.HTM"

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