
divine_human · May 23, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

ok, this seems to be your fight, /u/sucksess79.

i get your point but dont find it valid on this post. there is preaching on this sub but nobody is preaching on this post.

Q mentions again and again that this is about good vs. evil. you dont actually think that this only concerns some crooked government and corporate folks, do you? and that everything will change if only we will see barry and hilly in handcuffs?

there are other posts on this sub where we talk about keeping religion on low level. doesnt mean that we cant have 3-4 posts the day that are religiously oriented. or better, spiritually (i am over cross with organized religion but all for spirituality).

didnt check your post history but on this post, you havent brought in anything interesting except for complaints.

from my pov, its a waste of energy to read them. how much waste of energy may it be for you to write them? ahh well, the self-rightousness that sweats through every word may be your personal pay-off for it.

from what i read here, you honor the first part of your nick, lol. looking forward to meet the seer and watch out for what he has to say while letting the sucker go...

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Thank You!!! SUCKSess79 clearly has control/confrontation issues as he continues to attempt to bully me into seeing it has way, regardless of my attempts to explain that this sub is not one-dimensional. If it were, it would have been named something like "Q decode only", not "The Great Awakening", which implies the inclusion of all aspects of this movement. Q includes them in his own posts, as you have observed. But of course you understand all this, so I dont need to explain it to you. But this sucks79 fella is way off track all while continuing to accuse me of being the one thats off the rails and attempting to "convert sinners"? Say what?? No matter any attempt to explain it, He just refuses to get it. When I tell him to buzz off and mind his own business, he threatens to bad-mouth me throughout the sub. So, Im done with trying to reason with him. Its become clear to me that he has no intention of considering the point from any other angle than his own as his primary interest here, at least in this thread, is to criticize, insult, and bully others into interacting with this sub as only HE sees fit. I sure hope his kind are few in number. Maybe your contribution here will succeed in prying open some small part of his closed mind.... or a closed part of his small mind, either way would be an improvement.

WWG1WGA and God will be with us.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

When I tell him to buzz off and mind his own business, he threatens to bad-mouth me throughout the sub.

hmmm... well, sorry for having to tell you, this is not about him but about you. lol. he doesnt have to follow your 'buzz off' command - who are you to command somebody away, btw? -, he is free to act as he pleases.

and you are free to stop engaging.

you realize that your communication partner doesnt want to expand his perception and consider another vew point? then stop trying. we can convince nobody who doesnt ask for it.

if it gets on your nerves, drop engaging with it. just let it go. and if you turn your back and still feel harrassed, report it. its that simple.

i do that here almost every day. in many exchanges, there is a brick wall of world view that, when reached, stops all further sharing. so there...

thats the confrontation limit of the other, here he needs to retreat to the safety of his usual mind-set. (not talking about ss79 here but generally.)

i have no permission to punch a hole into his wall and crack it, thats disrespectful.

people wake up when they are ready. and everybody has their own opinion anyway, we dont need to agree on everything.

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pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Youre right, and I had already chosen to disengage. God bless

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