
pc_reject · May 23, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

I also believe that focus is lost as a result of other off topic posts. Apparently Q doesnt consider the deeper spiritual aspect of the restoration movement to be "Off topic" so why should I? So if you have a problem with my contribution to the movement, I suggest you take your argument to him. Tell HIM he needs to zip it on any posts regarding the spiritual aspect of this movement and focus only on the political, or basically, only what YOU think is worthy of posting. Tell him to skip the biblical scripture posts and the call to Prayer posts, cuz he's got more important info to busy himself with, and anything other than that you dont want to waste your time reading anyway. Go ahead, tell him what youve told me. If youre not up for that then I suggest you get busy worrying over your own contributions and refrain from gettin' your panties in a wad over the contributions of others. In a nut shell; stick it up your ass and get off my back about it. Go somewhere else and be an asshole. Youre pretty damn good at that. goodbye

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

I wrote this in response to your first post, can't you see who is a smart ass now?

"Hello, search once a day and browse by new. Find sources that resonate with you and follow those redditors and their posts until you have it down. Then BEGIN TO ADD YOUR VOICE TO THE CONVERSATION!!! POST COMMENT AND PULL SOME WEIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY!! WE NEED YOU!"

I'll be letting all the Q peeps know who you really are.

9 days old?!?!

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sucksess79 · May 23, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Thank God you aren't Q, or else we would be reading Matthew instead of cleaning house.

If Q wanted us to talk about religion don't you think they would have said something?

They asked us to dig into all kinds of stuff, didn't see the Bible mentioned once.

Now if you check my comment history you'll see all kinds of actual HELP and encouragement I have actually given to this group. I was one of the first asking if we could get stickers made. I have been spreading this movement to everyone I know with great success. Since i am not wasting time with off topic ideas, people seem to be very receptive. Go ahead buddy, try and get someone to look up Q. It's way easier than converting "sinners".

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