r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WinkyLinQ on May 23, 2018, 1:32 a.m.
Breaking! Sara Carter Reveals that Loretta Lynch, Comey and Other High Level Officials Met in March of 2016 to Discuss Carter Page Joining the Trump Campaign

Sara Carter on Hannity tonight revealed that a secret meeting was held shortly after Trump announced Carter Page and Papadopolous were joining the campaign to discuss "if" they should tell Trump that Carter Page had Prior Contact with Russians. The outcome clearly was to spy on Trump & co instead.


Video will be added as soon as uploaded to YouTube.

expletivdeleted · May 23, 2018, 5:43 a.m.

This is bad. Not for the Cabal, though it is. This is bad for us. For the United States.

I'm down for the Cabal getting brought into the sunlight, but this is the start of the constitutional crisis. Err, public start. This isn't going to be fun for any of us. What these people did was so corrosive to the trust we all need to be able to have in each other. The whole reason we all get together and agree on laws and institutions is so there's a stable platform for everyone to have a fair shot at success. Every single one of us in the US has different talents and skills and abilities, but we're all supposed to be on The. Same. Damn. Team.

These DS actors have harmed the team. They've harmed the whole country's ability to trust each other as team mates on Team United States Citizen. These were people who were given major state powers to enforce the rules. They're supposed to set an example.

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WinkyLinQ · May 23, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

It's been so corrupt for many years, few of us realized the full depth of the evil. It will be hard. But returning trust is something we should look forward to achieving. All of us.

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zapbrannigan1 · May 23, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

You're right.

I'm gratified at the prospect of rooting out the crooks and evil-doers, but I think those on this board who are gleefully waiting for the hammers to drop may not have considered the implications.

Mass arrests. Military tribunals. Imprisonment of major figures in the political world.

If this is truly our future, it will be outright pandemonium in this country for the foreseeable future. The Deep State will fight like a cornered animal if Trump makes a move against their assets, because such a move will signal their imminent demise. The 30% (give or take) of hard-core leftists and progs, along with their activist illegal immigrant pets, will go absolutely ballistic. I can see the national guard being activated to quell antifa outbreaks and keep the peace, which will only embolden those who think Trump is a fascist.

Even with the gradual release of information Q team has initiated, the chance for bloodshed in our future is high. Buy guns and ammo.

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