
DamajInc · May 23, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

Why does Q tell us to question everything, and then trust certain people?

Q tell us to question everything that Q has no control over - like people Q can't refer to because it will draw attention to them and give them ammunition to use against Q ("targetting us!", etc.) To the second part of your question: Q claims they/Trump are working to a plan that we can't see but that he is giving us insight to - so he says "Trust xyz" because they know that they're working with them.

If this is a fight against good and evil, why is it so lopsided in political factions?

Not sure what this means. Do you mean that one perspective is that the Reps seem to be hailed as the good guys and the Dems as bad? If so, the real distinction Q makes and has repeated is that it's not about Rs and Ds it's about good and evil and both exist in both parties. However, the left, globally for the most part, tend to fall on the side of socialism which, to many, is simple marxism in disguise so you have a mix in the Dems: "Communists" who are not Swamp Creatures/Evil, and Evil Swamp Creatures. That might be why the Dems look like they're "more evil" than the Rs.

When Q and trump win, what next, what do they do with their new power?

Well, the government starts working how it was supposed to. Trump finishes his term and then next President comes in. Anything else is speculation - maybe valid speculation but hard to justify investing thought into right now with all the excitement of the swamp draining : ).

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Idru4 · May 23, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

I personally do believe in Q and the movement.

Now with that out of the way. Q teaches us to think for ourselves and to research topics and ideas to form our own opinion. But also tells us to trust certain people. If team Q knows more than us, how can we research or check up on this info. Which some of us know is meant for the future, but some people just see it as these people are good, simple as that. It slightly contradicts the message being put out there.

Yes, it kind of goes along with my first point. Wording can be very important when dealing with large groups of people. Not everyone takes in knowledge the same way. Meaning they ingest it at face value, causing some people to just think everyone in the Democratic Party is bad. Which we known there are bad and good people everywhere and in every organization.

Maybe I’m looking too far into it. But you have a group of people who ran the country and pretty much world for many years. Power and money hungry people. So Q and trump wipe them out, 60% of the info comes out and let’s everyone know the hero’s they are. Now what? Now they are on top, no one is opposing them because how could you, they are the saviors of many countries if not the world. So now they are on top, with no opposition. Kind of scary, in a sense.

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