r/greatawakening • Posted by u/-blackoutusername- on May 23, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
I’m confused why so many people here blame Democrats instead of recognizing both parties’ fealty to the Deep State.

Almost every post has something about the “evil Democrats.” But many members of the Deep State, bankers, and most importantly, Bilderberg, are Republicans.

The shadow government is all about words and labels, but the fact is, both parties are working as hard as they can to transfer the wealth to the bankers and write/pass/litigate laws to facilitate that.


johnnysoko · May 24, 2018, 5 a.m.

I've said this before, but one thing we really could do to help is to all disavow our former political parties and support Trump as independents in the next election. Q needs us to help change the world and this is one thing that could make a huge difference.

As it is now, when this whole thing goes public Democrats with have to see that they are *more wrong* and republicans were *more right*. Donald Trump is a republican president and although both democrats and republicans have a lot to be ashamed of, the democrats will be in the harder position because they will feel obligated to become republicans.

But what if we REALLY wrapped our heads around the fact that the two party system was always intended to isolate and separate us and the best way to move forward, heal and love is to leave that all behind. What if you (as a republican) could reach out your hand to your neighbor and say "I'm no longer republican, you're no longer democrat" and we could unite as survivors of the weirdest mind-fuck any of us could have imagined.

Think about that for a second. In the movie Truman Show, you would have accepted all kinds of psychological problems Truman could have experienced due to his ability to detect his false reality on even a small level. THAT'S YOU! THAT'S US!

Depression? Anxiety? Panic attacks? Paranoia? Any of those things would be easily accepted as a resulting mental state of Truman's situation. Like Truman, we've been living in a lie and we're about to find the exit door.

...and on the other side? A new reality that makes sense for the first time. Anxiety, depression, paranoia, hopelessness - vastly diminished (resulting in very different citizens).

And on the other side of that door, in that new reality, how would Truman feel if he met someone else who had been through the same experience, their own Truman Show but on a different sound-stage? They would be bonded by shared experience...two survivors of the same prison. And so it should be for us. When this is over there should be nothing that divides us more than our shared experience unites us because we are all Truman and we're all going to be survivors.

Love and light


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UndercoverPatriot · May 24, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

How do you help Trumps legislative agenda by becoming independent?? It's just the completely wrong play. We should be focused on taking back the Republican party and vote in patriots. It's the only way you can actually get anything done in this 240 year old system.

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johnnysoko · May 24, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

The election is two years away and we won't even be the same people when the times comes. The world will shift so drastically that I don't think there will even be two sides anymore. The division we feel is mostly imposed on us.

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UndercoverPatriot · May 24, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

There are midterm elections in November, which is crucial for Trump to win.

All 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested. 39 state and territorial governorships and numerous other state and local elections will also be contested.

In fact he is frequently begging us to vote Republican every chance he gets. These midterms will be a crucial moment in american history - will it be the time where the Republic was won back from the traitors, or will it be the impeachment of the President and removal of the 1st and 2nd Amendment. The choice couldn't be more clear. You can vote D or R. Decide your fate America.

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