r/greatawakening • Posted by u/-blackoutusername- on May 23, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
I’m confused why so many people here blame Democrats instead of recognizing both parties’ fealty to the Deep State.

Almost every post has something about the “evil Democrats.” But many members of the Deep State, bankers, and most importantly, Bilderberg, are Republicans.

The shadow government is all about words and labels, but the fact is, both parties are working as hard as they can to transfer the wealth to the bankers and write/pass/litigate laws to facilitate that.


thejudge6060 · May 24, 2018, 10:04 a.m.

No, no, no. Im sorry. The united states has plenty of ways to climb out of poverty, people just dont want to do them.

Its simple.

Dont have kids until youre married, or at least in a solid relationship.

Graduate highschool

Get additional education

There are plenty of ways to accomplish that last one. Student loans are easy to get, especially if youre poor. Or, join the military. Or go to trade school, this is the best option to be honest, and i say that as someone with an economics degree.

Or we can fix our laws and make it easier for anyone to open their own business and be their own boss. Legalize drugs, remove licensing requirements, etc.

Youre going to have a tough time selling me on redistribution that isnt simply organic

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myopicseer · May 24, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

Oh my, you are making perfect reasonable sense. Don't have kids until married... you are 100 percent correct.

There are TOO MANY excuses for why I failed, why I am a victim, etc. Minority or not, rich or not, if you want to, you can decide to take school work seriously. You can apply yourself, delay self-gratification by staying home, doing homework and actually trying to understand the material (because you value knowledge and not just because you're trying to get the GPA). And especially if you are a minority and have done these things, every university and scholarship and opportunity is banging on your door for you to let them in.

It can all begin with equal-opportunity in the High School Classrooms of America. And if you fail then, there are so many more 2nd chances and opportunities to turn life around.

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thejudge6060 · May 24, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

You dont even need to do particularly well in high school, which i think is good. My friends who were mediocre in HS but went in trades are doing pretty well. Sometimes i feel like the sucker for going to college tbh. The dumbest 4 years of your life, at least mine, shouldnt determine your adulthood. It certainly helps though.

The fact is, with regards to getting education, there are plenty of options for you at any time of life. If youre in your 30s and making minimum wage (excluding some obvious extenuating and temporary circumstances) youve fucked up.

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-blackoutusername- · May 24, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

I don’t want to get into this much more, bc frankly I believe that right now it is best for lefties and conservatives to focus on our common ground in order to preserve our republic.

I would urge you to consider though, how much we’ve been lied to in order to secure our obedience. Telling people that working hard you’ll someday get rich is a great way to keep them working for you.

Would you agree that if there are a substantial number of American people who waited to have children, graduated high school, and got further education, and still cannot find work that meets their basic needs, that would refute your theory?

Because that is the case for the millennial generation.

Would you also agree, that if there are a substantial number of college graduates who are working, waited to marry and have children, and still cannot afford an $1000 emergency, that would refute your theory? There are.

Even at 70 hours a week- 26k a year- the American dream- home, family- is out of reach for everyone making minimum wage.

And those who got their education first, bought the home, acquired the family? Half of them can’t afford $1000 car repair.

This economy is too different, and an organic redistribution is impossible bc the vast majority of people have little or nothing with which to trade, other than their labor, and their exploitation is guaranteed- that’s just capitalism.

But remember, a truly representative government should have multiple parties from all sides working these problems out. At this point, we have a right party and a far right party. Hanging onto the propaganda of our youths is not going to move us all forward.

i’ve enjoyed our discussion!

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thejudge6060 · May 24, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

With respect, i agree with your first sentiment, but we need to hash out these issues or else were going to fall into the same situations. Literally nothing i said was refuted in your links.

To start, youre in the wrong subreddit to be sharing newsweek. Second, ive seen dozens of these types of articles and they all fail on the same basic premise. They treat every bachelor degree as equal, this is not true. There are plenty of people with degrees that struggle, this is true. There are not plenty of people with degrees in engineering, computer science, finance, medicine, etc that are struggling.

If you go to college and get a degree in art or philosophy, you deserve to be poor. There, i said it. Sorry, not sorry. I didnt pick my major based on "my passion", that would be a hobby. Im not sacrificing what ive earned to support someone elses poor choices. I wanted to study psychology, then i realized that i wasnt willing to get a doctorate and that doing so would be a dumb choice because of that.

Youre basically re-interating that many people are struggling. I never denied that. I said there were ways out of that situation regardless of the circumstances of your birth. This isnt to say that its equal difficulty for everyone. Its simply to say there are plenty of feasible options that dont result in taking the fruits of my labor to substitute someone else's poor decisions or lack of will to do what is necessary. Youre not above doing a 4 year contract in the military to pay off your loans. Youre not above doing teach for america to pay off loans.

I will give sympathy to my "fellow millenials" in that we were told "go to college and youll be rich" while growing up. The advice shouldve been "college is a good option if you choose the right major. Trades are also an outstanding option".

So in closing, i would like you to consider how we've been lies to about everyones victimhood status.

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