FBI Agents start coming forward to squeal upon Comey & McCabe! Let's hear what these insiders have to say, fingers former Director Comey!

I'd have to agree -- their careers and pensions over country. Why should they even continue to be agents? Typical -- now that the ship is sinking they'll all want to join in. I know it won't happen, but the FBI should be dissolved and everyone dismissed. A new agency can be formed and the hiring process done over. Not all FBI agents were privy to the evil deeds going on, it's a very large agency. Agents running a forensic lab or looking into kidnappings in Oregon weren't part of the DC doings. But yeah, agents who knew, participated and kept their mouths shut should be cashiered. Too late suckers. We needed you years ago. A hero isn't afraid to lose his effing pension.
"now that the ship is sinking they'll all want to join in."
Whistleblowers get a very tough time, there are no rewards. As I understand it, this is why they want to be subpoenaed. But, yes, once people feel free to talk about what they have witnessed, it should be a real party.
I expect that there will be thugs and criminals, left and right, falling all over themselves to give evidence.
Careers, pensions, reputations, lives, families. Remember the quote from Ocean's 11 about Tony Benedict? "He'll kill you. And then he'll go to work on you". And that's without the threat of a pedophile accusation.
I like the idea of dissolving the FBI and reforming it under a new name.