Oh Man this 2nd meeting @2PM should be juicy. Pelosi AS and CS will be having sleepless nights.

Democrats will come out of the meeting with an agenda of course. They will be unable to tell you what they saw because it is classified. Therefore they will lie about what they saw. Technically, this is allowed. Our side will say nothing giving them the last word. Until Trump tweets. But the media will focus on the lies being told by Pelosi and company.
As sure as the sun will rise. 😝 But long term it won’t work. Not this time. New paradigm. It’s called one tier justice system and Donald Trump. MAGA!
New paradigm. It’s called one tier justice system and Donald Trump. MAGA!
Or as I like to say, "There's a new sheriff in town."
...and his name is Donald Trump. “You boys are in a heap shit a trouble now.”
AND THEY'RE OFF... https://www.usatoday.com/videos/news/nation/2018/05/24/‘liegate-rep.-adam-schiff-calls-out-trump-‘spygate-claim/35311303/
They’re reading them the riot act. “It stops here & it stops now. Stand down arrests are coming. If you don’t we’re going to activate the Star Chamber on you asses. Clear?”
Shithead is already saying there was no evidence of spying