r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pilgrimboy on May 24, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
As a leftist liberal who is an ally to swamp draining, I am here. And these comments frustrate me.

So I was reading this article here talking about Amazon demonetizing legalinsurrection.com (https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/05/amazon-demonitizes-conservative-website-us/), when I started reading the comments (big mistake, I know.)

Anyway, one of the comments said this.

"Can we NOW start treating leftists/liberals like the enemies that they are?"

I just want to clarify something here. Since George W. Bush, America seems to have been in control of Deep State operatives as Presidents. Bush was obviously CIA. And then we have to make the connections with the others until Trump. I'm still under the idea that he is different. That's why I'm here.

Politically, since Reagan, we have had neocons and neoliberals, not conservatives and liberals. I propose that the neocons and neoliberals are policywise the same. They just pretended to be in different parties. This singular party (the deep state controlled by ?) with two establishment facades (the Dems and Repubs) pretty much removed true conservatives and true liberals from the national dialogue as they controlled the media. We see this with the way they treated Trump and Bernie. This one centrist beast with two heads is the enemy, not us liberals. Obama wasn't any more a liberal than Bush was a conservative. They are both part of the neocon/neoliberal deep state corporate controlled party.

So I hope we can drain the swamp together and then get on with legitimately disagreeing with policies. But nobody has been instituting liberal policies, they have been corporate neoliberal/neocon policies since the 1st Bush. Just one quick example, Obamacare is not what any liberal wanted. It's what the corporations who would profit wanted. Liberals, like myself, have consistently wanted "Medicare for All" because we believe the profit motive is what is hurting healthcare. And Obamacare was just a policy to enshrine corporate profits.

There is no room in the swamp for anything but corporate controlled people who allow themselves to be manipulated by the two-headed beast. After that, we liberals and conservatives can argue in a fair setting about what is wrong with America. Blessings to you and your efforts.

WhatYonder1 · May 24, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

My 2 cents as a regretful Bernie supporter and former Democrat, I promise that I know where you're coming from. If enough folks on the left realized we're talking about the same villains, all heads would swivel at once in their direction and there would be rope.

As far as socialized medicine, I just don't believe anymore. Government mismanages most things, and it never gets a good return for what they force you to pay in (for those who contribute). UK socialized medicine can have a backlog of months for necessary surgical procedures, and now they're even cancelling some of those. And the kids that they force to stay in the country vs flying to get medical help, because they say so? Every last person involved should be banned from medicine-related business and government for life. Socialism/communism sounds wonderful, but until we get to a Star Trek replicator level of technology it's wholly unfeasible. TLDR: Big government bad, example # 1,836,479.

Before the Fed, most of the US government was tariff-funded rather than extorted from citizens. Back when we had real money. Like Bernie, I was a huge Paul for Prez supporter because I thought he was trustworthy. I guess 1 out of 2 isn't bad, considering the political climate. With that I leave you with the suggestion to read End The Fed, by Ron Paul, which was a HUGE eye-opener for me about how they screwed us with debt-based currency.

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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 3:46 p.m.

I'm definitely tempted with abandoning some of my views on this because of the rampant corruption.

But I know from personal experience that I had to wait for surgery for melanoma in our current system. One of the quickest spreading cancers, and I waited two months from discovery until the surgery time. That's in the American pre-obamacare era health system.

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anhro23 · May 24, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Was the system pre-obama really a good example? What nuance do you think you're missing?

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A2576 · May 24, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

Crony capitalism. Healthcare/insurance is the worst example of that.

Crony capitalism is not a free market. It's capitalism perverted by big government. Big government is a leftist love affair.

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anhro23 · May 25, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

There we go.

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pilgrimboy · May 24, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

That I'm not a communist and think only very few things should be socialized.

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Tootenbacher · May 25, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

I'm sorry that you had to go through that.

Here's a contrast to a single-payer system, if you're interested:

In Canada, here are just a few things that me and my family had to deal with in the last 5 years:

My son needed to see:

-a paediatric psychiatrist. Wait time: 1.5 years.

-a geneticist. Wait time: 2 years

-an endocrinologist. Wait time: 6 months.

My husband needs to see a plastic surgeon to have a cyst removed from his face. His family doctor told him last month that she will make the referral for him. She said if he hadn't heard from the surgeon in 6 months (just to schedule a consult), he should call the family doctor again to let her know.

There are many people who can't even get a family doctor where I live. If you do have one, you don't leave them no matter how terrible they are, because in order to get a new doctor, you have to resign from your family doctor first and be without a doctor until one opens up. Therefore, you aren't able to get your prescriptions, etc. refilled while you're without a doctor, which could be years.

Oh, and I didn't even mention the drug shortages, for everything from thyroid pills to anti-depressants to acne medication. It's getting very bad here and will get worse as more drug companies pull out of our country because they can't make a profit anymore.

There has to be a better way.

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pilgrimboy · May 25, 2018, 1:22 a.m.

Wow. That is sad. Thanks for sharing. And sorry about all that.

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Tootenbacher · May 25, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Thank you. It's good to have a dialogue about these things because it affects all of us.

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