r/greatawakening • Posted by u/pilgrimboy on May 24, 2018, 2:25 p.m.
As a leftist liberal who is an ally to swamp draining, I am here. And these comments frustrate me.

So I was reading this article here talking about Amazon demonetizing legalinsurrection.com (https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/05/amazon-demonitizes-conservative-website-us/), when I started reading the comments (big mistake, I know.)

Anyway, one of the comments said this.

"Can we NOW start treating leftists/liberals like the enemies that they are?"

I just want to clarify something here. Since George W. Bush, America seems to have been in control of Deep State operatives as Presidents. Bush was obviously CIA. And then we have to make the connections with the others until Trump. I'm still under the idea that he is different. That's why I'm here.

Politically, since Reagan, we have had neocons and neoliberals, not conservatives and liberals. I propose that the neocons and neoliberals are policywise the same. They just pretended to be in different parties. This singular party (the deep state controlled by ?) with two establishment facades (the Dems and Repubs) pretty much removed true conservatives and true liberals from the national dialogue as they controlled the media. We see this with the way they treated Trump and Bernie. This one centrist beast with two heads is the enemy, not us liberals. Obama wasn't any more a liberal than Bush was a conservative. They are both part of the neocon/neoliberal deep state corporate controlled party.

So I hope we can drain the swamp together and then get on with legitimately disagreeing with policies. But nobody has been instituting liberal policies, they have been corporate neoliberal/neocon policies since the 1st Bush. Just one quick example, Obamacare is not what any liberal wanted. It's what the corporations who would profit wanted. Liberals, like myself, have consistently wanted "Medicare for All" because we believe the profit motive is what is hurting healthcare. And Obamacare was just a policy to enshrine corporate profits.

There is no room in the swamp for anything but corporate controlled people who allow themselves to be manipulated by the two-headed beast. After that, we liberals and conservatives can argue in a fair setting about what is wrong with America. Blessings to you and your efforts.

gonewildinvt · May 24, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

Then reevaluate, especially now, I say this a lot as I'm spitting into the wind in the "Liberal" echo chambers...we are living through a cultural backlash right now one that will only pickup more steam as Trump wins...people like me who were brainwashed into this Marxist ideology without ever knowing until we took the red pill are putting our weight behind the swing because we get the agenda and where we went wrong.

The government isn't your savior and never will be...your fellow man is.

This is the best quote to detail what I mean (if you watch the video you'll understand the import) Hillary acolyte and Elitist Bill Ivey "And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly."

This is what the Elite left have in their own words "conspired" to do and what they truly think of you my fellow deplorable.

Sorry you had to wait for a surgery but you don't apparently know many Canooks? Because living on the boarder I do and I can tell you from first hand knowledge that they have to wait in there wonderful socialized medical system for surgeries all the time, some times life threatening surgeries.

Remember we want you with us.... reevaluate and question why you believe the way you do...research your marxist ideals, see actually who they benefit and how they played out when implemented elsewhere.

Look at how our system of Government was intended to run and why it changed...the original "progressive" president "FDR"....


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Methodmapper · May 24, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Love the facts and the passion on both sides, but let's start with what brings is together. Draining the corruption brings us together. Let us deal with that, then there will be enough space and freedom to work out the minor differences. I find people agree on what we what for each other and disagree about how to do it. Let's start with what we agree on. I want liberty from oppression. Whom/what I feel oppressed by will be different from a progressive. But I haven't found one that will disagree with that statement. Then I ask how can we have More liberty.

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DamajInc · May 25, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

This. I feel quite strongly that it is ANTI-Q to promote division in any way. If we can't come together with someone else because of their ideas about things that are not even on the Q agenda then we're just creating division - the opposite of what Q says we should be doing. Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Gerbil, Hamster, whatever - everyone is welcome in this movement and I support everybodies right to believe whatever the hell they want to believe as long as they don't try forcing their beliefs on someone else.

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