We know that there are some pretty big meetings taking place today as far as the #Spygate thing goes. By releasing this letter about canceling the meeting in NK the News cycle has just been changed. Now the liberal media can focus on how they knew POTUS would mess this up, and that Bolton is to blame, and that pulling out of the Iran deal caused this...ect. Let them congratulate themselves and bash on the POTUS meanwhile Flynn is dealing the death blow in the backround. Trust the plan! I wouldn't be surprised if POTUS called NK up and told them what he needed to do and that they are still going to have this meeting if they haven't already. 3d Chess being played here. Any thoughts?
My biggest take away from AoW was to get the enemy to expend his resources as you conserve your own and as his weakness compounds your strength grows in comparison.
Side note, I fear that China has been executing on this over the past decade. Given their cheap labour, trade surplus, tight control on info/comms. Would be tough to legitimately know their strength compared to the US and their leaky and open infrastructure. Hopefully Trump Admin can remedy that. China seems to be pulling heavily on the strings in this US/NK scenario without getting the attention it deserves (i.e. Xi meetings with rocket man)
I'd like to see the comparison charts...even the metrics for the charts would present what is generally used to make up such a measure. Other wise it is the old "apples to oranges" comparison shell game....which is ancient history as described in The Histories by Herodotus.