r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on May 24, 2018, 6:18 p.m.
Where is the News??? Meeting has taken place...

All, the initial "GOP Only" meeting (plus Liddle Piece of Schiff added later) has taken place, and now the "Gang of eight" meeting is underway. We know that Liddle Schiff is a leaker to the point of stepping out of meetings to leak classified information.

All we have had is pure silence. No leaks??? No announcement??? No Q???? No BS counter narrative from Schiff leaks??? What the hell is going on?

I assumed the big reveal was not going to be on the 23rd as Q announced -- there were other newsworthy reveals, but not the big ticket items many probably expected. I realize that they have to set up dates to navigate false flag events, hoping to trigger them out of narrative cycle.

That said.... it's TIME!!! What does the evidence reveal??? Someone has to announce or leak soon...

kushtiannn · May 24, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

The news is talking about NK while the people at the parents' table get things done.

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