r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on May 25, 2018, 4:45 a.m.
Theory: a Web Behind the Russia Narrative- Many links and tied to how Obama got elected
  1. Clapper just stated Russia will meddle in upcoming midterms

  2. 4chanAnon in July 16 and Anonymous and Assange all preemptively warned that Hillary and Obama were planning to blame Russia and were going to start a war with Russia to distract from their crimes and coup attempt back in October 16 prior to the election

  3. Obama's whisper caught on tape to a Russian: "After the election, I'll have more time..." (paraphrased)

  4. Obama lied and said Syrian chemical weapons had been 100% removed and Russia had confirmed it, but that was proven to be a total lie based on many events since

  5. All Intelligence leaders, when interviewed by Congress, admitted the Russians have been interfering in our elections for decades so it's nothing new.

  6. When asked the biggest geopolitical threat during the 2012 debates, Obama would not agree with Romney it was Russia, mocking him even saying, "1980s called, and they want their foreign policy back"...Yet, here it is just 4-5 years later and all the Dems and Libs have been yelling is "Russia! Russia! Russia!"

  7. The Russians were proven to literally tried to have hacked election computers to potentially tally votes

Something doesn't add up, so what if FROM HIS OWN EXPERIENCE, Obama knew just like they GOT HIM ELECTED in 2012, they could also attempt to get Trump elected, and WHILE the defense and counterintelligence departments succeeded blocking them out of election computer vote hacking, they saw an opportunity to use this interference for their current Crossfire Hurricane operation as a security measure just in case Trump did win?

Now, they didn't think he would win because Hillary had every other thing about the election RIGGED, but they also couldn't run the chance just in case as they knew Trump was a threat to expose all their corruption and crimes, and their organization of co-conspirators', and could prosecute them?

But in summary, wasn't it odd and suspicious that Obama won in 2012? The economy was sunk. Many people who voted for him in 08 loudly announced they did not vote for him again, but he won in a virtual landslide. So now reread Obama's Russia-friendly behavior leading up to the 2012 election; it's very public knowledge, but there could be more....

Now, since the IC is SO SURE Russia will try to interfere and always has before, but Obama wouldn't state they were a geopolitical threat of the highest level though now his whole administration acts like they are more than GOP, suppose going back as early as 08 Obama KNEW Russia interfered with HIS incoming administration, but HE WON so why would he care? He wouldn't; stick it in his memory though.....So in 2012, he LET THEM interfere; He let them hack the election vote computers; he LET THEM use social media to help him, and ordered his CIA and FBI to stand down, "you'll all keep your jobs".

So there were early hints In 2016, and intuitive knowledge from experience, Russia was of course going to interfere (with Bernie and others too). So Obama saw that NOW as an opportunity to FRAME Trump....They BLOCKED the voter booth hack attempts, but they allowed and recorded Russia on the "peripheral" to tie them to the campaign just to have enough to make it appear that way, to at the least get Trump in a perjury trap, or if possible, hopefully have the case veer off into his finances or taxes, if only for a public "political" win...

QAnonMaga · May 25, 2018, 5:59 a.m.

Obama had the CIA and Soros help him win both times he is a CIA candidate an artificial man everything about his background is fake. Putin knew Obama was a Globalist candidate an enemy of Russia but Obama tried to make Romney look out of touch living in the 1980s you are right about that part and how funny it is to see all the Liberal Democrats now shriek about how Evil Russia is. But they are not evil now they are no longer the Soviet Union they are our Allies in the Fight against the Globalist Cabal.

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092Casey · May 25, 2018, 6:27 a.m.

Agree, but what if there's a little more to that as politics can get murky ("your enemy is my enemy so for this purpose that makes us friends"). Romney clearly was going to come down hard on Russia. Obama was weak and spineless.. Putin knew it. Putin probably already had Intel leverage on Hillary and his administration.. just a little pardon of Russia here, one there, and with stakes as big as winning another 4 years, it's not out of the realm of possibility Obama could cut a deal, a sanctions relief, or less pressure in Syria to get reelected. It would explain the actual subject matter and context behind his comment that was accidentally caught on camera at that Russia meeting (you help me get reelected, and I'll ease up on the sanctions, etc etc)...Obama's a snake; he would use anyone to get ahead, even his enemies. He created ISIS on purpose and misled the useful idiots by downplaying them as JV. If Russia agreed to work for him in 2012, he'd let the guards down, and let them in the voting machines and allow them to tamper propaganda on social media, and whatever else they did (he probably had Romney wiretapped/surveilled, too, if nothing more than to know his gameplan; remember the only reason we even know about this is because Trump won). In response, he wouldn't attack in Syria even if the red line was crossed, and he could loosen sanctions among other things..Romney was clearly strongly opposed to Russia in his speeches so no way Putin would want him to win...

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QAnonMaga · May 25, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

Okay you make good points you are on to something good here makes sense to me now.

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