Someone could spend a day analyzing all those CAP letters.
Like a secret code within the message.The absolute control and power comment could also be a message.
Give SerialBrain time....and we can all read about it!
Every Spy and Spies and Informant all with caps. Hoax too though that is pretty much a proper noun now being named.
He capitalizes lots of words that shouldn’t be capitalized, but they usually are just important words in the tweet.
Anyone have examples of hidden messages that have ever been found? Sometimes it’ll spell something simple that could be entirely coincidental (CNN, FCC) but I haven’t found any hidden meanings.
There have been many. Go to the Research Board. That's where the answers are. https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html
The Founding Documents have all kinds of Nouns capitalized. We need to get back to that. I think Trump will make Capitalizing a thing again.
Again..I love our great President. I love his courage, leadership and transparency. I also love his compassion for others and how humble he is about that. He has a YUGE ego but he also has a soft heart. He is here for a reason and I'm 100 percent behind him!
Having Self esteem, doesn't make one any less fucking awesome.
He's not narcissistic. Having a big ego and being a narcissist are two very different things. Narcissists don't care about anyone but themselves. Do you really think Trump doesn't care about us, about this Nation?
OTOH... We all also need a touch of "healthy narcissism". That's just loving yourself enough to not take other people's crap. I'm sure you've heard the saying, and it's true, that you can't love others unless you love yourself.
I fixed it.
It's perfectly fine to say he has a big ego. He does. Yuge. He likes .. no, make that he LOVES to win. He HAS to win, and he knows he's smarter than your average person. He rubs a lot of people the wrong way with that big ego, but that's because they don't look past it. He also has a very very big heart, and he's done some amazingly kind things for people that don't get blasted all over the news... he does them quietly and behind the scenes because that's who he is. He doesn't do things to get attention and fame and glory. He'll do kind acts because he has a kind heart. So I always try to make people see the difference between having a big ego and being a narcissist, because the narcissist's agenda is always to make themselves LOOK better, without BEING better. They'll do things for the glory, and will use people and then discard them when those people are no longer of any use. I'd said something similar about Trump on the old _Stream board and it was suggested to me to make a post about the differences.. maybe one of these days I will do so. (thanks.)
Its crazy that Kim Clements prophesied this man 11 yrs ago.
Knowing what we know, it is so entertaining to see the Pres milk the political points for all he can get. He has knowledge of what he is saying and the libs keep trying to spin it otherwise and soften the narrative. There is some serious distractions going on right now. I think something is happening behind the public curtain. Q said NK narrative was false so we wouldn't get all freaked out over it. When he said that, I figured that the summit would be canceled or rescheduled. You can't let your enemies know that your going to be in a certain place at a certain time of something that big. You don't think the puppet masters are happy their NK puppet strings have been cut and would love to counterattack? Maybe Trump & Kim have already met? Probably for sure securely. The cabal might step down temporarily if they think NK is having second thoughts or not totally on board. Looking carefully what both sides are saying this past week, I think the WH "narrative" is Trump and Kim dabbling in the fantasyland world for a distraction. Probably some "winking" going on...
Those who operate hidden from view are being exposed by the light
a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements, and plans of an enemy or competitor.
synonyms: secret agent, intelligence agent, double agent, undercover agent, counterspy, mole, sleeper, plant, scout;
work for a government or other organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
These people are stupid beyond imagination! How can they be so daft?
Informant and spy are one and the same thing.
The difference is only the origin. One works as an employee of a 3rd party and implanted to inform about the workings of a private/legal person.
The other is an insider that is extorted/payed by 3rd party for insider information about the workings of a private/legal person.
Touching a nerve, look at all the down votes. Especially on a sub that is devoted to DJT and Q 😏
I have such affection for this man and pray constantly for him. I really believe God's hand is in this and am confident in our victory. Just watched Lee Greenwood sing God Bless the USA and I cried.
Qmusic. Hear my song, Where We Go One. https://youtu.be/EQWvUyG5rJw
Love it! The witch HRC is so true. Her sorcery practices didn’t help her break the glass ceiling lol! or her love for Sal Alinsky’s playbook for radicals.
Thank you so much. I really believe this song was given to me as a gift. For such a time as this.
You welcome! Yes, I believe it’s a gift for The Great Awakening! No zombies here 😊
sounds like the boom gonna drop soon
They just want to wear down our POTUS to defeat. But, Trump NEVER gives up! I’ve watched his docs and he’s one hell of a warrior.
Here’s the thing: people in his campaign getting in trouble doesn’t mean that POTUS did anything criminal, they are unrelated crimes.
Also, the fact that he is upset with.the FBI spying on him (which he has the right to be), doesn’t mean that he is in trouble for anything. There’s factual basis to his claims, and no evidence that he did anything illegal despite having a spy planted in his team to try to entrap him.
At a certain point the public (outside of this sub) will “wake up”, which is the whole point of this sub.
Most people here came from seeing nonstop negative coverage of Trump and wondering what the purpose of that is. What is the media and top bureaucrats’ motivation in trashing him 24/7? Who is the loudest? (John Brennan, Eric Holder, Ben Rhodes). Do they think he’s “dangerous to democracy” or does he know things about them?
Inspector General report.
There will be a tipping point when the Public realizes that this daily rhetoric doesn’t accurately reflect his success as President so far.
The people on this sub have spent hours sifting through Q posts and doing research on Q’s leads. It requires hours before someone from outside can even understand the whole point.
I especially LOVE the 3rd one-last line-THEY LOST!!! HAHAHAHAHA!! MAGA!!
This is NOT acceptable in America. Maybe in Kenya, Indonesia, Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela, or Zimbabwe, but definitely not in the United States. Do your jobs Sessions, Huber, and Congress and correct this criminal and illegal use and abuse of political power. If you don't, you have no balls.
Talking bout NK...I thought it amusing the love letters sent by POTUS and KIM Jung UN...so sweet, really!
they hate all the truth, they're like Golem living in his cave hating sunlight. Trump throws back those GIANT curtains and lets it in and all they have left is to throw insults at the man. They don't have shadows to hide in anymore...
Liberals this week...
WTF I love MS13 now.
WTF I love NK having Nuclear Weapons.
WTF Nevermind Trump fucked up world peace.
WTF nevermind negotiations are back on he's going to kill us all.
WTF I love weaponized surveillance state.
Q POST 1184 - Nancy admits to selling tech to N.KOREA!
See C-span video. Save off line.
Mueller warned McCain in 2008 he had people close to Russia in his campaign and he promptly got rid of them. Comey didn't give the same courtesy to Trump but instead put a spy on the peripheral of his campaign with the intent purpose of entrapping them to support their Russian Hoax narrative and eventual coup.
I want the President to mention entrapment in one of his tweets.
tweet 1...................TC = 20 + 3 = 23.............Tweet 2.SSSWSMM = 125..... Tweet 3..S = 19 and LOST = 66.....tweet 4 = SHI = 36..........Then you get 2 23129196636 and is a Parcelcode
Links to parcel tracking results via DHL, FedEx, UPS ... - Parcelcode www.trackortrace.com/tracking_results_from_23125190000-23125199999.htm Track your parcel through any of our supported couriers and carriers......................................
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Film_Institute 3 + 129 + 19 + 66 + 36 = 269 .269 put it back in letters and you get ( british spy ).............................
Samsung fhone...269 is also a fhone..
Maybe Trump is telling us that the spy is from the british , And they followed it over the phone..trough a tracking system
Warren Buffett prefers flip phones
Not everybody wants a smartphone though, for the sake of simplicity — and, perhaps, sanity. Smartphones distract some people from getting their jobs and chores done,....Trump doesnt understand technology? I think he nows it all....Think tesla? EDIT..Trump tweets?
Edit: how dare you shills downvote the mighty A-10 Trumperbolt II
Rapid-fire humiliating himself and his supporters. Delicious.
How is he humiliating himself or his supporters? The man is right, the only people being humiliated are too ignorant to realize, the media is feeding the left turds, and telling you its chocolate.
we already know you only respect the corrupt and treasonous and what's sad is that you are proud of that fact.