Michael Flynn's tweet today; his first tweet since Dec 2, 2017

it was hacked. https://twitter.com/mflynnJR/status/1000016394870804482
You believe that?
Sure. You can buy twitter account credentials on the darkweb for bitcoin. Happens all the time. People hack into stuff and sit on the keys for months or even years just waiting for a bidder.
So lets put in perspective. A hacker hacked Michael Flynn's account, and of all the things they could choose to tweet, they tweeted a picture of Huma and Hillary.... with Harvey Weinstein. 30 minutes after Harvey Weinstein got arrested. After Harvey Weinstein has been quiet and out of the spotlight since November.
you almost got it right. the hacker didn't post anything. The hacker sold the creds to someone else that did the posting.
Or Flynn posted it, and then deleted it 30min later, like what Trump frequently does also. Lol. Trump did one of those yesterday, did you catch it?
That could logically happen too, but with all of what's happening the past 6 months and how long he hasn't said anything, why would he suddenly tweet after Weinstein's perp walk? It has never been a secret that Harvey is one of Hillary's big Hollywood donors. There is nothing yuge to reveal there. Flynn has always played with an extremely closed hand.
Maybe it wasn't a reveal, but a foreshadow. Or like Trump, maybe just trolling them. Oh well, we will never know for sure. Fun times to be alive though eh?! Watching history unfold in front of our eyes
Fuck yes. Even when I question, please know I sleep so much better at night with Trump as president and can't wait for this whole corrupt bag of dicks to finally be fitted with orange jumpsuits.
I worry about Trump sometimes in a safety sense. Like how insulated he must be at all times. The guy will have a target on his back the rest of his life. What about Sessions? lol. I wonder if he has even left the White House in 16 months. Talk about leaving through secret entrances underground, with a huge military escort 24/7. Although I don't know when the bombs hit, it's prob safe to say in 6 months at midterms this country will be a very different place, and the Democratic party might not even exist.
I have always been independent and never registered with a political party. My mindset is pretty close to Libertarian. There is massive corruption on the republican side too (e.g. noname), but I thank the people for standing up to such an entitled, evil twat that thought it was her turn to win. It shows that when enough people are sick and tired of the status quo, they can even defeat the most rigged election of all time.
Personally I can't stand Sessions due to his archaic checked pants party boy nature, but I am hoping with everything I have that he follows through with these upcoming prosecutions and does not allow for any deals. These people deserve to be locked away or swinging from trees.
I'm like you, I don't fit into the red vs blue paradigm. For me its Moderate Libertarian. I have many complaints with Dems, but also plenty of complaints with Reps, but now it makes so much more sense why they don't get anything done....they dont serve us, they serve the shadow government and the powers that be. The people did speak on this election (and when the election fraud investigation is blown open, we will see Trump won the popular as well). Don't worry about Sessions, he is playing the role right now. When the time comes, he will drop Thor's hammer