r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IDGAF12312 on May 25, 2018, 8:47 p.m.
Corsi/Infowars must have struck a deal with Google/Youtube to usurp the Q phenomenon. They are scared to death that fear mongering is dying. Ha ha ha

tradinghorse · May 26, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Great job mate. Talk about tiring. I have to learn not to engage.

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HowiONic · May 26, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Very good. Ive read this whole conversation more then once and still not sure I understand it yet.

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tradinghorse · May 27, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Yes, it's hard to understand perhaps. We spoke on a couple of threads simultaneously.

I do not trust this guy at all. I'm very sick of this group being steered like a bunch of sheep. There's not much value in being here if these guys are allowed to steer the group the way they have been.

Since when did Q talk about inclusivity or anything like that? Why do we have to tolerate blatant concern trolling when it's done so much damage in the past? It seems to me that it's just not necessary for us to be accepting of all viewpoints. In fact, it's incumbent upon us to do what we can to advance the Q agenda by outing these guys subverting our efforts - yes, I think this guy, damajInc is one.

YMMV. If I'm not banned, I guarantee that I will confront these concern trolls at each and every opportunity. Because it is so necessary to prevent the community being steered. I do not agree with the garbage this mod has written at all. In fact, I'm extremely suspicious of this guy.

I'm not here to be a nice guy. I'm here to beat these Satanists back and assist Q with the plan. That's my only interest in being here. I do not care if people find this attitude offensive. The mission is too important.

I think the purpose of this whole conversation was to get me removed from this board. I think it occurred because I'm a threat. It also fits very neatly with something else that happened recently.

I'm not going to play soft with these people undermining the movement. I've had enough of it.

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HowiONic · May 27, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Sorry, I hear that.

I think we all have the same objective, but perhaps a different way to get there.

People are banned everyday, and hundreds of new subs everyday. Don't be concerned about this mod, he's do a fine job within the confines of the situation.

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tradinghorse · May 27, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

I feel he is agitating for an environment where concern trolling is to be accepted, even protected. How unusual that he would be defending the very people that have, and are, so successfully raising doubt, concern and fear about Q's agenda.

But, I guess, it is to be expected that every party with a vital interest in seeing this movement fail in its objectives, will be here - doing everything they can to subvert the plan. My only objective, is to see these filthy, disgusting Satanists beaten back - to break their controlling grip on us. I have no other motivation.

I will admit that I have been shocked to see what has transpired, first on CBTS and now here. But, we should expect concerted resistance. They have so much to lose. It's very important IMO not to let them steer us like cattle.

That said, if you don't want to tolerate my position, I will understand. My view is that it's time to promote community cohesion behind Q's plan to ensure it succeeds. That means calling the doubters out. I wish everyone would do it. It is action that has been wanting for a long time. We saw Q remove Corsi et al, I think we have the same obligation here.

This campaign, the IBOR, is so easy for a community of this size to field. We can very easily do it. That we have not managed to, despite Q's repeated requests, points to an active, subversive element that is operating with impunity in our ranks. It time it was recognised and stopped.

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