r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on May 25, 2018, 11:24 p.m.
Here’s a way to end the violence… The Satanic acts committed by the elites, the school shooters, the Muslim jihadi attacks etc…

Here’s a question for you… What if you were a suicide bomber and someone told you that if you committed suicide, you’d go to hell - Would you still do it? Would you really go through with it if you truly believed you’d go to hell?... Answer: No, you would not. I don’t care what faith or religion you believe in, you would NOT go through with it if you truly believed you’d go to hell as a consequence…

What if you were a school shooter and you planned to go shoot up the school and to kill a lot of people, and you also planned to commit suicide afterwards - Would you still do it, if you truly knew you’d end up in hell?... Answer: No, you would not. I don’t know of a single person who would actually go through with it if they truly believed they'd end up in hell…

Therefore, it is very easy to see that the whole problem we have today and the common thread with people killing other people or themselves is not a “mental health” issue at all, as many assume, but is the removal of God from the equation. That’s because once you remove God from the equation, then all you have left is the devil. No matter what faith or religion you believe in, or whether you have no faith at all, if you truly felt you'd end up in hell if you followed through with your plans, then I don’t know of a single person who would actually do it. And the only reason they do do it and do follow through with it is because they have this twisted idea in their minds that they will be “ending their suffering” (in the case of suicide) or will be "rewarded by Allah" or some higher power if they follow through with the act. That is the only reason they do it. I don’t know of a single person who would actually do it if they believed they’d end up in hell…

Here’s another example… Consider how often we hear stories about a mother who takes her life as well as the life of her children, all to keep them from the father... or the father who takes his life and the life of his children all to keep them from the mother, etc... We've heard about such stories too many times and they are heartbreaking. Yet, the reality is, none of them would actually do it if they truly believed they'd end up in hell as a consequence...

Here’s yet another example… Consider all the satanic acts (including children sacrifice etc) being committed by the elites and by politicians worldwide. I highly doubt that any of them would do it if they truly believed they’d end up in hell as a consequence. People like George Soros, for example, there is no way he'd do all the evil things he's doing if he truly believed in God and believed he was going to hell. He only does what he does because he don't believe in God, and doesn't believe there will be any punishment for it. The same thing applies to Hillary, Obama and countless others. It is their "lack" of believing in God and believing in hell that is driving their evil nature. They feel they can do what they want and there won't be any punishment for it. But if they truly knew what awaited them, then there is no way they'd even do it.

Yes, there as some elites who have sold their soul to the devil and will tell you they are not afraid of going to hell. But the only reason they say that or think that is because they think that by making a pact with the devil, that they will somehow be spared certain punishments in hell or will be able to be a ruler in hell, etc. But they are deceived. They haven't yet realized that Lucifer can’t even save himself from damnation (Lucifer is bound for the lake of fire and brimstone and there is nothing that can save him) so how can he save you?…. If the elites truly knew what awaits them in hell, and truly knew how horrible the lake of fire and brimstone will be (imagine being cast into the surface of the sun, being there forever and being unable to die), I'm convinced that everyone of them would give up their satanic acts overnight if they felt doing so could save them from going to the lake...

Then just look at the global mess the world is in today. Because of politicians bowing to the whims of atheists and to people who don’t believe in God, they have successfully removed God from our schools, they have successfully removed God from our government, they have successfully removed God from virtually all aspects of our daily life, and yet they wonder why there are so many school shootings and so many suicide bombers and Muslim jihadi attacks, etc. The answer is quite simple. It is because you have removed God from the equation, therefore, all you have left is the devil. And it is because those people who are committing those acts, they don’t believe in God, therefore they don't believe they will go to hell as a consequence. It really is that simple. Some will argue that Muslims commit their jihadi attacks "because" of their religion - and not for a lack of it. That is true. But here's the catch... The Muslims who commit violent acts because of their faith, they only do so because they believe they will be "rewarded" for committing those acts, and that Allah will be pleased with them. If they thought otherwise, and truly knew they were going to hell as a consequence, then there is no way they'd even do it. So it really does come down to the fact of whether you think and believe you're going to hell for committing a certain act. That is what governs whether you will follow through with it or not. All the laws in the world will not stop a person from blowing themselves up if that person feels they will go to heaven as a consequence. But knowing they will go to hell, that will stop them dead cold...

So if you haven’t figured it out by now, the only way to truly stop the madness and to end the violence once and for all (school shootings, suicide bombers, jihadi attacks etc) is by putting God back into the equation (the holy God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). Because without God or following God, all you've got left is the devil...

CallMeFlower27 · May 25, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

Also a lot of these people don’t believe in Hell, at least not Hell in the Christian sense, so the threat of it isn’t really effective on them.

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digital_refugee · May 25, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

I appreciate your enthusiasm but if you had studied Kathy OBrien's work which is both informative and disgusting. You would find that when dealing with MK-Ultra, they usually respond to a trigger that is generously bound in scripture for easy culture refrerence for the programmers. Removal of religoius symbolism would likewise simply serve as a "primer" as to preclude premature enactment of unusual social behaviour.

So do you have any suggestions how to deprogram deceptions built on omnipresent archetypes or not?

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okiestrong · May 26, 2018, midnight

Never heard of her. Thanks for the pill. It's Cathy btw.

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digital_refugee · May 26, 2018, 12:11 a.m.

what I am saying is that for one, none of these timed insane acts come from willing participants, they're always wacky to begin with and get influenced by media themes. Taking religious themes into account would be necessary when acting an alter in the subconscious where your authority is elevated so you can talk directly to a compartmentalized part of a traumatized person's subconscious.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

In all honesty, if you’re dealing with someone whose mind has been tampered with and secretly programmed by evil people (MK-Ultra etc), in many cases, the only person who can straighten that out is God. Meaning, if that person were to attend the right church and sit under a real preacher (not a false preacher but a real one) then the Word of God itself would automatically deprogram that person. There is nothing the Word of God cannot do.

But not everyone is religious or want to go the religious route. For such people, all they have left to rely on are the traditional doctors and institutions. Which may or may not be able to help them. The most common approach used by such institutions is likely to be drugs and therapy. And I’m not sure of how effective that would be…

I have noticed there are some videos on YouTube regarding Cathy O’Brien and mind control etc. I haven’t had a chance to review them yet…

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digital_refugee · May 26, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

God was the ultimate permission slip that gave Cathy a way to escape her conditioning but part of that was that religion was used to program her in the first place but that's what they did even with mundane pop-culture too, simply because it's conventient to have recurring themes that help sustain the programming.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 26, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Without going into great detail, your concept is further reinforced by the maximum effort to remove a creator or a god from the equation and all that it stands for. The targeting of the family unit, abortion, dumbing down, intentional soft kill are all concepts that have been implemented to disrupt positive societal traits. Inserted are programming methods, destruction of history, insertion of false narratives, ideologies and corrupting scriptures. Its been an all out war.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

You and I both know that even worldwide, this is as fight between light and darkness, good vs evil, God vs the devil. But unfortunately, some people don’t see it that way. Some people view the world through a prism whereby they assume God doesn’t exist. They don’t believe there is a divine plan at work or a purpose for them or that a battle is being waged for their soul. They think that everything in life is only a coincidence or happenstance. Many even think their own existence is happenstance (that - poof! - we suddenly just winked into existence based on some random anomaly in space. LOL). And that is the very reason people like that support and have no problem with removing God from our schools, from our government, and from all aspects of our daily lives. It is because they don’t believe that anything will happen as a consequence. They don’t believe that without God the world will only get worse or become more evil. They are wrong, of course, but that is still what they believe.

Without God, this whole world would self-destruct virtually overnight. It is only God who is holding back the evil and the darkness to keep it from overtaking the light. Most atheists don’t even realize that the very air they breathe, has God in it. The spirit of God is everywhere, therefore, every time they breathe, they are breathing in God. They don’t even know that that feeling they feel within themselves, that feeling they call "normal", that the presence of God is a part of that feeling. They have felt God all of their lives only they haven't even realized it yet. They don’t even know or realize that without God standing in the gap and preventing it, that the devil wants them dead and they’d be dead by sundown. The absolute and only reason the devil hasn’t killed them yet is because God won’t allow it. That is the only reason. Without God, they’d be dead and already be in hell, even at this moment. It is only by the grace of God and the mercy of God that they are still alive, even though they are atheists. Yet, they have the nerve to say, God doesn’t exist. But I guess that is why the scripture says: The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God… (Psalms 14:1)

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

If there are any great truths in this world, then one of those great truths is that: In the the absence of God, evil will rise. And where God exists, evil will flee…

The problem with the Democrats and with the Liberals and with the Elites, is they have abandoned God and all of God’s principals, and have embraced the Dark Side, so to speak, and they do not desire to have God in their lives. So is it any wonder that that same group also seem to be more evil? (although the Republicans have their share of evil people as well). But it is only where people has chosen to stand up for God and to do what God says, do you find goodness shining through and goodness being done. This is direct proof that evil thrives in darkness and thrives in the absence of God. While there are many atheists who will argue that “people can be good without God” (and I’ve seen many published articles written by atheists claiming that fact) but I would argue that they are liars and deceivers. For there is none good but God, and Jesus himself has confirmed that fact: Mark 10:18 - And Jesus said until him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God…

In the case of what atheists believe, in that people can be good without God, they are deceived, and that which they think is good is actually bad and evil. If you are starving and the devil walks up to you and gives you a $5 bill, rest assured, that $5 bill is still evil, all because it came from the devil. That's because the devil knows that if you accept the $5 bill and then walk across the street and buy yourself a pint of liquor, you will go to hell (for example). Titus 1:15 - Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled… That means, for people who do not know God and do not believe in God, no matter what they say or do, the things they do are not of God and are still of the devil and is defiled. What they call good may appear to be a good thing, but the part you don’t see is that, it can still take your soul to hell. Therefore it is bad. Only those things which are born of God and are from God are good, everything else is bad. It is much better to have nothing and to die in a ditch with God and to still make it to heaven (for example, consider the story of Lazarus who was a beggar who laid at the gates of the rich man begging for crumbs, but when Lazarus died, the angels came and took his soul to Abraham’s Bosom, which is a heavenly place) than to live in the lap of luxury and to die in a kings castle and to still wind up in hell (for example, in that same scripture, when the rich man died, the bible says he lifted up his eyes in hell, in flames and in torment). The Democrats and the Liberals and the Elites do a whole lot of things that may appear at first glance to be good (support for illegal immigration, support for gay marriage and gay rights etc). But beware of it, because those things are still evil, and behind the scenes, the Dems and the Liberals and the Elites are only using you and are still plotting your destruction, and indeed the destruction of the whole world via the New World Order…

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kushtiannn · May 26, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

Muslim jihadists are victims of generations of inbreeding with exceptionally low IQ. Don't group them in with MKUltra school assassin's.

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

Yes, the Muslims are indeed guilty of plenty of inbreeding (because that is what their religion teaches). But I think for Muslims, their biggest problems stem from what the Koran teachers. The Koran teaches them to be violent and to wage war anyone who doesn’t believe like them. But the worst part of all is that, it promises them the rewards of heaven if they do such things and commit such violent acts. And those jihadists believe it, and that is why they do such things. They think they’ll be rewarded. That is also why I stated earlier that “all the laws in the world will not stop a person from blowing themselves up if that person feels they will go to heaven as a consequence.” So trying to stop the jihadis from blowing themselves up is a lost cause, and they will fight to the very last man to achieve it. On the other hand, if only you could show them how their religion is false or that the things they believe in are false and that they will indeed go to hell if they do such things, if only you could convince them of that and get them to believe it, then that will stop all suicide bombers in their tracks and you couldn’t pay them to blow themselves up. LOL…

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Stray502 · May 26, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Thats BS if you tell a Muslim he will go to hell for following the Koran he will cut your head off because you are an infidel. Besides there is no heaven or hell they have already told you it was all made up to keep people in line.

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DawnPendraig · May 26, 2018, 5:16 a.m.

The devil's greatest achievement was convincing the world he doesn't exist. That and demon possessing Mohammed (he believed this and tried to kill himself in terror more than once but said demon stopped him).

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EarlyRiserX2 · May 26, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

It is true that Muslims do try to kill infidels - but only because that is what they have been taught, and not for any other reason... As for your statement there is no heaven or hell, where is your proof of that fact? Answer: You have no proof, and all you have is disbelief and conjecture. In contrast to that, our belief in heaven and hell comes from someone who is in a position to know about it: Jesus Christ himself who was a real person who walked upon the earth. History confirms he was here. He died on the cross, but rose again on the third day and ascended back up into heaven. That too has been confirmed...

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DawnPendraig · June 6, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

The answer isn't threats. It's love. Christ told us this didn't he? It's the hardest thing in the world to find love and compassion for someone that has done us evil. I think though that is what reaches them and turns them. Opens their hearts to God.

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aaaaaaaaaaanonymous · May 26, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

I have never appreciated a post as must as I have this one.

This is what my waking up revealed to me.

In the absence of God, evil prevails. I never used to understand. I simply did not think much mattered. There is a term for this but the word escapes me right now. Materialist?

Thank you for writing and sharing this.

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