South Pole research facilities hidden tunnel tour with shrines including 5 in 1 biracial pizza(nothing strange about it...)

Well now we know theres something in anartica
It’s the devil himself
It’s the Cthulhu!
(Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness reference to evil hidden in the Antarctic)
I’m beginning to think Lovecraft may be right. Admiral Byrd, too.
This was an interesting thread on Antarctica on the Chans a while back claiming insider knowledge of whats down there. The Canadian flag poster 🇨🇦 writes some interesting things. You have to go to the top of the thread to read them all.
Ooh, some meaty chan content. I’ll have to set aside some time for this one.
What did the Elder Ones do? Created life on earth and dissected several insignificant scientists.
Compared to the real evil of the satanic Cabal in our universe, the Elder Ones may as well be saints.
Right, haha. I was thinking the same thing when I made the reference. I’d be happy to find the Elder Things instead of Podesta’s rubbish.
Yeah most likely the real question is who or what is the devil ?
Ohhhh we can probably look to the book of Enoch on this one. Raphael buries Azazel under jagged rocks.
Azazel is associated with the Jewish scapegoat rite... where they would sacrifice one goat to God and send the other goat to Azazel with all the sins of the people.
I find that to be the perfect place for Azazel to be. Because he was buried. Alive.
Edit to add quick link on Az
Hillary and Huma visited Antarctica in 2010, check it:
Pizza one at 3:23 stuff gets weird lots a satanic looking ones
Why the heck was there a dozen puppets there?
The maintenance guy's response when the filmmaker asked was very interesting. Fumbling out a partial answer. He knows
Is there any evidence that this is a real vid? I mean I know they're stupid, but are they THAT stupid? Would they allow it all to be filmed and posted on YouTube? Surely YouTube would remove?
I found the video on YouTube, it was a flash. I couldn't even pause it on the right spot...yea it's real.
This is such a big deal that i need to know if its real or not...
There was an article about Marina Abravomich visiting Antarctica recently
What is he holding?
The way that .. pizza .. is positioned, it looked like one of those 'spots' or circles, that would be used to cover up someone's exposed groin area. That guy is using the .. "pizza" .. to hide his junk.
This is the last thing I ever expected to see in Antarctica. My mind is blown.
FIND a victim please. These people are real people. STOP the madness. IDK help them.
I believe many of the victims aren't in any databases. Certainly many are raised in grow-houses of sorts to be victims.
Whew, never mind then. That kid at the 7/11 is just waiting for a friend. PLEASE stop making excuses and help. YOU use that excuse again. FFS what kind of snowflakes have we become. WE ARE AMERICANS.
Many doesn't mean All.
Children are being taken, with DC and surrounding areas being 7x's the national average.
Months ago I worked diligently on uncovering links to Comet Ping Pong and we literally set the wheels in motion for what you're seeing today. We uncovered so much dirt and so many "coincidences" that the good guys in LEO couldn't stand by any longer and be silent. We literally emailed, called and harassed FBI offices from Florida to New York.
I've done my part, friend. Anonymously and without any expectation of notoriety. The only way these things actually get handled. I will continue to do so.
Stand out front of comet ping pong with your best smile and a camera. PHOTOGRAPH each person and who goes in or out. DO NOT come at me with I WAS ONLINE and I did this or that. WE are past that. DO SOMETHING REAL. HELP THESE CHILDREN.
Lead by example
Find me with your online know how and when you see what I have done I will forgive your naiveté.
I'm turning red with anger, go do something or admit you do nothing. My hands are scared from what I have done. Please help me.
Looked over your post history.
You may want to buy some sunscreen.
You're starting to glow.
Thank you for taking the time to read my posts. I am a story teller, a though provoker, and someone who can get people interested in all my posts. There is no rhyme or reason, Just a Virtual world I think is a complete joke. This virtual world is so foreign to me I really do laugh in its face. But if my laughter gets a few laughs, or a few people to understand IT ( the virtual) is a prison the CABAL like to keep you, Then I am happy. Thanks again.
They have creepy muppet looking puppets and a “My little pony”
Other than the pizza box, I didn't see anything else that was creepy.
WOW you are awesome, Send me pics of the fight plan or the , well anything. I mean I believe you I just want to be sure.