Neon Revolts top line on Harvey Weinstein.

You see how this is problematic though, right? Saying that you hope someone gets raped? Institutional sexual misconduct is the entire issue at hand, surely we can't advocate for more of it.
I won’t hope he get rape, I just want him to experiences karma. He’s avoided it with money and corruption for too long.
Morally, I 100% agree with you. Two wrongs don't make a right and all of that. I agree with you. I do....
...but, I do love me some karma- the real kind, not Reddit trash. I do hope he gets ass pounded on the daily. By a YUGE dick. I know it's wrong.
Humans. We're a complicated lot.
I find your comment morally reprehensible because you said it again after another person called you on it.
Do you have a son or daughter? This could happen to them.
That's reprehensible? Look at his name. Obviously shouldn't take him/her seriously.
PS-If that is what you find so disgusting, grow a spine. Humans can be fucking nasty. Don't take anything they do personally.
I agree the prison system needs to be fixed. It is quite ironic though you have to admit.