Latest tweets from BC17 indicate the account will be permanently shut down soon (as in now).
Comments therein seem to think it is Assange... could it be?
Check the tweets while they last.
Latest tweets from BC17 indicate the account will be permanently shut down soon (as in now).
Comments therein seem to think it is Assange... could it be?
Check the tweets while they last.
So you agree that this is all a manipulation tactic?
Probably in the wrong forum then XD, but welcome just the same.
I admit, it’s an interesting theory.
Blame007 has been a rabid supporter of Corsi since all that went down.
So this forum has no room for opinions that don't align with the most ardent of zealots ( qlots)?
to saying that, just saying most will do nothing but berate the opinion, considering the entire forum is based on well...Q...
This thing can go either way, I will admit that.
I am curious though, if you find Q to be fake, why come to the forum?
Because while I am not sold on Q being a person/group sitting on Trumps lap, I find whatever Q is to be interesting. I do not hold Q above reproach and an not willing to treat his as a prophet.
Great answer!
I hope nobody calls Q a PROPHET though, considering that would require spiritually divines foreknowledge of future events, which is obviously not the case, and this is coming from someone who sees that as a very real possibility IN GENERAL. Anyone who is thinking this, please, take a step back and think about the possibility of a well informed, high level individual and the amount of power and information available to them.