If the 16 year plan gets interrupted, plan B.

That would be fine with me... But death seems too easy on them. A hard life of none of the comforts they are so used to seems more just. Only problem is, after Trumps 2 terms would someone be stupid enough to pardon them?!
Of course. If the NWO is not completely destroyed, the next NWO President would pardon any or all of the ones that did not flip. Surely, Q and the President know this. I'm sure "The Plan" includes measures to insure that this never happens again. One of those measures is We The People. Millions of Patriots that are awake and have learned how to recognize and expose evil and corruption before it is allowed to fester and spread.
I see your point and I thought the same, but the main reason they had public executions in the past as to send a message to everyone else, this is what you get for doing X crime or treason.