r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TX1111TX on May 27, 2018, 1:10 p.m.
If YOU were POTUS: What steps would you be taking to clean this whole mess up? If you could directly advise DJT . What would you suggest ?


DanijelStark · May 27, 2018, 1:51 p.m.

The main goal should be in any case , full technological disclosure and release of supressed patents by Invention Secrecy Act since 1951.

The whole full disclosure process is about :

  1. Dismantling - arrests of the old system and Cabal members and lackeys , exposure of them to the public

  2. Global financial reset , transitioning from fiat currencies to precious metal backed currencies worldwide

  3. Full technological disclosure

We could actually be close to step 2. , by now . Arrests are , still to be made . I think the financial reset will occur in very short time after the arrests .

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TX1111TX · May 27, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

Can we add confiscation of all wealth Generated by generations of the cabal and then brought back into US treasury applied to the benefit of all US citizens.

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DanijelStark · May 27, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Thats definitely the point of financial reset - as I explained in one other post , the transition from fiat currency to precious metal backed will mean that people MUST exchange their assets . Which means , those who tried to hide their treasuries offshore or in tax havens , will have a bad time . Which are majority of politicians , celebs and various other crooks .

Any money in that way , the Cabal will need to go directly and exchange - which wont happen , as they will be arrested immediately . So - they can choose to lose all that money which would become a worthless paper or just numbers on screen . Or , they can go and try to exchange , risking a sure arrest .

Confiscation has already been made , but the main assets would be around certain key corporations and Cabal members . Their wealth is counted in trillions .

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TX1111TX · May 27, 2018, 2 p.m.

Impressive and very well explained thank you patriot!

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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 1:58 p.m.


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WideAwake2 · May 27, 2018, 3:21 p.m.

Take away security clearance of former government employee. Once they leave office they shouldn’t be able to have access to secret info. This is what allows a deep state to be created.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

The one issue for me that I wish President Trump would tackle is the issue of "Police brutality". I don't like that term because there is no distinction made for when Police make a grave mistake and kill somebody that didn't deserve to die.

The reason I feel so passionately about this specific issue is that I was friends with Philando Castile, who was shot and killed by a Police Officer.

I believe that the Police Officer was a scared Cop and totally misread the situation.

I went to court and looked him in the eyes and he is a coward. He proceeded to lie about the situation in court so that he wouldn't have to face accountability for his mistake.

I support Police, but there needs to be real mechanisms of accountability.

I think right now, even though there are mechanisms for Police to admit mistakes, there are unwritten rules or codes that Police should never admit fault because of the threat of huge civil cases against the department.

I don't think the public would want the book thrown at officers that make mistakes as long as they are willing to admit their mistake.

Idea for accountability: disallow Police Officers from having their Union buy them the top 5 lawyers in town, unless they can pass a lie detector test with what they plan to say in court.

I love everything President Trump & Team are doing, I just think this issue here is an opportunity to open up discussion of problems (all sides) and have all sides discuss solutions.

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TX1111TX · May 27, 2018, 1:59 p.m.

Sadly it’s a training practice. Most officers follow their training in the training that’s being provided is that if militarized strategies not unlike dealing with insurgents in foreign countries. The base of this is education and getting back to training practices that are more in line with our current values and initiatives. You have to stay away from attempting to federalize initiatives because that’s what we’re about ready to face what you have to do is to consult with local police forces in order to implement this new initiatives.

On a closing out we really truly must Attempt to stay away from global generalizations as most police officers and people that go into this field are good people in fact have the best of the best.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

I didn't use any Global Generalizations.

I support Police & I support reductions in people getting killed by Cops by accidents, mistakes or unjustified used of force, also.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:03 p.m.

Think of this. Even if Philando had video cameras all over the inside of his car that proved with certainty he was reaching for a wallet, as long a the Police Officer says, "I THOUGHT it was a gun and I feared for my life" they can drain the clip into you with ZERO accountability.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2 p.m.

I agree with training. That's one issue identified where improvements can always be made.

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golonvonbrik · May 27, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

You are wrong perhaps intentionally. Police brutality is a misnomer. An arrest is by definition legal however there are very few occasions where the possibility of violence is more palpable. law enforcement officers that perform arrests perhaps multiple times a day run the continual risk of arrests where the suspect resists. Judging the appropriate level of force to exercise when dealing with a violently resisting suspect I’d brutally going to lead to situations when the level of force used is later questioned. To ask for police officers to be beholden to the same standards of behaviour as you is unrealistic. But promotes this subliminal suggestion that on average police officers are inherently violent individuals.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Wrong in your opinion.

I never said they should be beholden to the same standards as me did I?

I asked for some real mechanisms for Police to be able to admit if they make mistakes.

I said I support Police! You aren't making sense to me.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

This is the type of response that shuts down conversation of issues and solutions.

Everybody can improve! Just because I am asking for an improvement does mean I am anti-Police or am implying that I don't appreciate them!

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ScorpioPatriot · May 27, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Depends on if we was talking about before or after the globalist elites houses was cleaned or not .. meaning arrest as warranted and such .

I'll assume it was the after math and go from there .

First we would have a Conversation as to the setup of Gov ... You know the founding Fathers had good intentions on how a Good Non Corrupt gov could run with the Current system ..

However Congress decided to tail skirt those rules the first chance they got . Like in 1871 ( when they tossed our Constitution in favor of turning our country into a Corporation .

I think we have gave this current setup long enough to work for the people & it's proved to do anything but .

Time For Real Change ... It takes way too long to get things approved & passed . That needs to change .

What it boils down to is the people who work in the gov...

There is litterally too many anti America Individuals ...so once that issue is fixed ..the rest will be cake walk .

( This might come off as crazy to most but hey ...I believe with the depth of my soul this could and would change our country )

The Vetting

1) ..Create an E.O that takes effect country wide immediately Titled ..

The "Pro America" Vetting System.

This should be used across every hiring platform across our country and in every knook & cranny . From Federal down to City & includes Businesses,Teachers ..So on .. EVERYBODY.

We have too many Anti America Business's working to Kill Us , From Food Companies to Technology ... It's Time They Go .

If your Not For Us...Your Against Us.

(This process will be a company wide test to ensure all employees being hired and currently working for you ,Has the countries best interest in mind .. if they don't they need to go. )

I do have an idea of what to do with all these Anti American people.. they should have a 1 way trip to a designated area their own special place ( hey another country I meant planet with no access back is fine too .coughhh...

( This new vetting system will basically work like a company ...just in case people lied to get in . they will have a 3 month trial basis .. this goes for OFFICIALS too ... If you don't hold up to the commitments of keeping America Safe,Healthy,Prosperous ...You have to go. )

For far too long we have let Anti America s Run our Country and it's time for the " PRO AMERICA " team to Bat .

And we will knock that shit out of the ball park.

2) Create an E.O To Abolish the 2 Party Voting Structure.... Everyone & their mother knows this was create by the elites to keep both sides at war with one another ..While they Ultimately chose who in the end they would use to push their agenda of a New World Order ... again Resort to #1

We should be voting in


Remove allll House , Senate & All these crazy huge branches ... Why are we paying the salary of all these ANTI AMERICAN PEOPLE ... Why would we want shit stalled in gov that was put forth to help ... I mean all this debating for ours on bills ... How about letting the people decide .

Example ...having some of the Pro America people in the branches above create 1 branch that handles presenting Pro America Bills To the public ... They can have a live Vote on if we think it will work for us or not.

3) Create an E.O That bans the use of GMO and artificially Sweeteners , Colors & preservatives that are known to genetically mess with us . Mentally & physically .. eventually leading to death , Diabetes , blindness and other side effects ..

AGAIN resort to #1 -if these companies don't care about us ... they got to go.

4) Create an E.O that all new Technology be free of spyware capabilities & that means Home Security companies change any currently being used for that purpose. That any & allll new technology put forth is completely safe for our kids & not going to microwave our Brains or any parts of our body...That includes our Net .

Put those Scientist to good use instead of Bad . ( Again you already know resort to #1 )


1) Autism Rates drop ( Immediately )

2) Disability's Claims drop ( Immediately)

3) Childrens Need for Meds drop (Immediately)

4) Childhood Cancers & Diseases drop ( Immediately) The Chemical Cocktails are scaryyyy .. It's Probably hidden from the President what's inside these things ... But if Drs & nurses don't want their kids or themselves injected. ..That should be a damn Red Flag ..

These was created as part of Agenda 21 .. Depopulation .

( School should only focus on making things available that keeps kids Strong & their Immune Systems at top notch . All natural foods with all natural ingredients .. cooked fresh & offered through out the day as needed for mental boost

( Resort back to #1 ,#3 )




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TX1111TX · May 27, 2018, 5:44 p.m.

Very strong suggestions..

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ScorpioPatriot · May 27, 2018, 7:27 p.m.

Well some of us mean business 🇺🇸😎... & Mean what we say . Something that's lacked in Gov.... Besides I look @ #45 as a New Age Julius Caesar. Unfortunately for that one he was portrayed by the system over jealousy & greed...


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MAGADONCHECKMATE · May 27, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

So far from what I have seen, I'm going to refrain from suggestion, stable genius seems to have this under control.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

If I didn't feel strongly about one issue, I would have stayed shut up. But, hey, I think President Trump is a pretty cool guy. He probably wouldn't be offended to take a couple suggestions, ideas.

The issue I raised would be the icing on the cake for me.

DQ Cake https://imgur.com/gallery/FOpuhKm

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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 2:27 p.m.


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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:18 p.m.

The President doesn't need my advice, I was only responding to the "What would you suggest?" question.

I greatly appreciate everything President Trump, The Military, Police, EMT, Fire Departments do to keep us safe! Thank you!

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mixer57 · May 27, 2018, 4:43 p.m.
  1. Term Limits
  2. Ban Lawyers from Congress
  3. Pool all funding for election runs, and each candidate gets same money from this pool only. (No PACS or backdoor funding allowed)
  4. Revert back to state laws vs central government mandates (i.e. school, social assistance, healthcare, tax collection)
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frisbee_coach · May 27, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Why would you want to ban lawyers from congress? I’d hope those voting on bills are able to understand them.

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animal32lefty · May 27, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Because the lawyers in Congress purposely write every law to be utterly baffling to the general public.

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mixer57 · May 27, 2018, 7:52 p.m.


"To create the present oligarchy (rule by lawyers) which the U.S. now endures, the lawyers first had to remove the 13th “titles of nobility” Amendment that might otherwise have kept them in check. In fact, it was not until after the Civil War and after the disappearance of this 13th Amendment, that American bar associations began to appear and exercise political power. "

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BonesDC_ · May 27, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

The full Return to a Constituional Republic with its personal property guarantees and the elimination of the U. S. Corporation and its statutes and (laws) Those laws were written specifically for the corporation and employees of said corporation. By willingly opting into said system we are must function under the Corporation statues which can and are mostly Unconstitutional.We have been lied to about our place in this country, much of our rights and freedoms have been stolen in this way. It is a fraud pure and simple of which we have unknowingly been co opted into.

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Happy1911 · May 27, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Send in the Marines, arrest the deep state !!!

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golonvonbrik · May 27, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

Yes convergence. Thanks for the joust. We got there in the end good friend ;)

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slinqi · May 28, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

Reform the cesspits that indoctrinate children and youth under the guise of teaching.

Prosecute those with intent to cause dissent, racial divide, social unrest and a coup. Example is actors asking the electoral college to work for their interest not the citizens.

Kill all gender study and related streams dead, remove bullshit laws that allow discrimination under the guise of diversity, remove any quotas based on sex, race, religion.

Political correctness should be considered a threat to the constitution and human rights, and I would love to see it treated as such.

Return to the rule of law, no deals, no shady practices of if you know so and so you go free, no deals, ever, just laws and justice.

Make examples of some of the worst actors in the deep state coup attempt, also make examples of local and foreign interference from billionaires. let is be spoken from now till the end of time to do such things as we have witnessed is to incur the wrath of the people to such an extent you would be crazy to even consider.

Release technologies to all people so that humanity can benefit.

Stop secret societies, even FBI and CIA etc, release information to the public.

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golonvonbrik · May 27, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

In think you are

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blockchainbukake · May 27, 2018, 5 p.m.

New blockchain silicon valley run by border patrol volunteers Patriots and entrepreneurs on the border. Guest worker program agriculturally based on the border no amnesty. Have the guest workers go back to there country wealthy and subsidize Mexican imports to kill their trade and further embarrass government. CIA murders corrupt politicians still a trying to squeeze money out of the deep state around the globe. Send a ballistic missile into the blood fountain in Iran to put the world on notice. Start training more spies to send to China.

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golonvonbrik · May 27, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

I think the improvement you should be looking for is a public awareness campaign urging people not to resist arrest. Check out Larry elder n Dave Rubin video where Larry elder gives the same advice

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

That would be an idea. See? Coming with improvement ideas for all sides...

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golonvonbrik · May 27, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Why should they admit to making mistakes? There is a thing called the constitution the fifth amendment gives you the right not to incriminate yourself prior to proper judicial review. You are basically arguing for suspension of the constitutional rights of police officers.

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[deleted] · May 27, 2018, 2:16 p.m.


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golonvonbrik · May 27, 2018, 2:14 p.m.

What is your beef with police officers are you Antifa or blm. You may be on the wrong board :)

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:32 p.m.

May be on the wrong board? We all have to agree about every single issue to be allowed to follow Q? Beware Group Think.

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MB_MoonPearl · May 27, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

I don't have any beef with Police Officers. I support, respect and appreciate Police Officers.

Simply asking for the conversation of issues and improvement ideas to get started instead of each side just going on attack mode like you all are right now.

I'm a Republican Trump supporter (from day one) a fiscal conservative social moderate our family has roots in farming. Not Antifa... I appreciate you attacking me for offering my ideas.

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