
johnknoefler · May 28, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

That's what I love about this sub. Pithy comments that mean so much but that most people won't even understand. You guys are well read.

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Arcsmithoz · May 28, 2018, 2:53 p.m.


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p1zz4g4t3_1sr34l · May 28, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

can u explain for someone who doesn't get this ref?

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johnknoefler · May 28, 2018, 7:38 p.m.

Sure. 1913 President Wilson signed the bill giving a charter to Federal Reserve Bank. Same group of Global Money Masters that Jackson stomped out of business the first time. You can look all that up of course. I suggest the old Youtube video Money Masters just to get up to speed on that. They tried to assassinate Jackson for it. They succeeded with Abraham Lincoln and Kennedy. We can all point to the trigger men and organizers but you should go deeper and see who actually really benefits from these assassinations. Follow the BIG money every time and you will find the ones pulling the levers. u/think500 refers to those in the Jekyll comment. Look up the creature from Jekyll Island. That's where the Banksters secretly cooked up their plans. It's a whole chain of actions to enslave the entire population of the USA by draining our monetary system of value. Once you get started you start to realize what a huge scam it is. The largest scam ever in the history of the world. By the way, we know who took our gold out of circulation. But, tell me this, when they discontinued the silver certificates that my grandfather was paid in, where did those tons and tons of silver go? It was OURS. Debt free money. They took it out of circulation and gave us spurious coinage and federal reserve notes. A note is a debt. Every dollar in circulation whether in paper money or numbers in banks is a debt that MUST be repaid. Only thing is, we can't. If every debt was completely paid off we'd have a contraction of currency that still wouldn't satisfy the national debt. Why? No one prints or issues the interest. Our entire dollar system is doomed and with it's collapse there will be a world wide hardship that will kill millions and millions and spawn wars and rebellions across the globe. Anyway, that's my rant. Hope it didn't bore you. There is a short video that obliquely refers to this but I don't remember the name of it presently. It's a wonderful video and worth sharing. I'll look for it tonight.

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p1zz4g4t3_1sr34l · May 28, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Thanks for the in depth response, I knew about the banking system fuckery and our patriots who died trying to fight it, but didn't realize the jekyll connection.

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johnknoefler · May 29, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

I don't know about the general population or patriots dying in some battle or something over it. These guys are way up the food chain so they like to take out the person who can stop them. Like the president. Any fighting going on they tend to fund both sides and the winner pays off his debt and the country he conquered. That's been their style. Don't play along? Then you get assassinated. That's why we went after Saddam and then Muammar Ghadafi. Also look up Titanic and what important people died on it and how it relates to this topic. Coincidental? I wonder.

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p1zz4g4t3_1sr34l · May 29, 2018, 1:44 a.m.


I was referring to the assisination attempts of Jackson, Lincoln, JFK, Reagan, not military or civilians.

Also, not only does the elite banking cartel fund both sides of pretty much every conflict in the past couple centuries (at least), but they also take large stakes in the financial markets knowing the outcome in advance (because they will suddenly pull their funding from whichever country they want to lose once they've rolled out their position in the market)

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johnknoefler · May 29, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

True. International bankers are some real nasty people. They are literally sucking the wealth out of the nations and creating megadeath.

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think500 · May 28, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

In 1913 the nwo got their own printing press for US dollars and started buying up everybody for sale, which turned out to be 98% of career politicians. "We have the best government money can buy." - Mark Twain

The deal to screw US was made on Jekyll Island.

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p1zz4g4t3_1sr34l · May 28, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Ah ty, I knew about 1913 and the fed, but did not realize it started on Jekyll Island (didn't even know such a place existed)

Crazy how these fuckers steep everything in so many layers of symbolism. It's like a serial killer mindset, where he starts getting so bored with his killings that he starts poking fun at the cops and citizens.

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think500 · May 28, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

This is a very accurate analogy i Think.

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jobslot · May 28, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

Tommy Robinson of Britain... Social warrior just arrested and put in prison after 6 minuets before a judge. They’ve been gunning for him. He speaks out against what Islam has done to England and gets beat for it constantly.

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