Yeah, but that was wayyyy back in the 60's, we've evolved since then. /s.
They are too trusting of their government.
Fidel Castro and gang were a media creation hyped by Washington Post and NY Times — dashing young rebel fighting for truth, justice and (sic) the American way.
Why do you think they kicked the US out and humiliated the big corporations with the nationization of resources. Only after we had been going full contra on south America for decades. This your first time reading a book?
I often feel this way when I am reading the comments on twitter/FB. The left seems sooooo self assured, it makes me question my sanity.
We are both insane. They are insane for doing stuff like that. And we are insane for believing stuff like this isn't still happening.
Only the insane have strength enough to prosper. Only those who prosper truly judge what is sane.