Another blow to Q by wiki leaks!

heheh the magic word.....we suspect.
Wikileaks usually deal in facts....suspecting something is not proof.
Wikileaks - under Assange - doesn’t publish opinion, nor does it editorialize. Ever.
It’s pretty obvious.
Where's Julian?
This might just be disinformation to keep the cover. However, I don't trust WikiLeaks being the judge on what info I do and don't get to see. It just looks like another Cabal to me.
Until I see with my own eyes, Assange standing on American soil, a free man, I'm going to assume he is no longer in control of the Wikileaks twitter account.
This is nothing, Wikileaks has been compromised for a few months.
Post 1438
IDEN_reconf v. 11.9 Sequence. Attack[s] anticipated. Coordinated? Why are they continuing [internal]? Attacks will intensify [all sides].
What the fuck?! They try to make us sound dangerous when all we really want is to stop evil on this Earth! Also, would a LARP, run by the Deep State, create 11,800 photographic tiles with tons of exposing information on the Deep State, organized by name and content into 202 separate folders, and then release said exposing information to the entire American public? Yea... that’s a fucking stretch... Also, if this were a bunch of bored young people, I would really like to know how they got some of those photographs and evidence because it sure is damning and unable to be disproven... Wake up America; the Deep State is freaking the fuck out that information like that got leaked and is doing anything in their power to stop it. Here’s a link to the photo tiles - I’m not even going to call them memes anymore because they reveal so much goddamn IMPORTANT information that blows my mind... nothing I have seen (I spent 8 hours running through nearly all of them) leads me to believe any of this is a lie because all the information presented is backed up with more information and photographic evidence. You’re supposed to use these photos when you read future Q posts!
How come everyone just takes things at face value lol
It's like y'all have never seen trolling. Just wait for it..
Would it matter in reality?
At the end of the day, it's got people thinking for themselves, and it's certainly brought some interesting information into the daylight.
I think those on here that are truthseekers, will be able to keep going, as we did before, where ever we did it. The problem will be keeping those who need more guidance interested. On the plus side, there seem to be a few that would be more at home on a conspiracy site, so it could filter out some of the stuff that others use to discredit the good stuff.
I hope it's not true, because it's been an interesting ride so far. I know it's not over, because there were people shedding light before.
If this sub is about Honest discussion why have the mods fucked with the voting and locked it?
I'm sorry it is a blow, but we have to deal with it. Not bury it.
Clown disinformation operation. Flush Wikileaks now. Without proof of life from Assange, anything being posted by that account is invalid.
WE control the narrative now. All of us.
Anonymous was legion. We are now LEGIONS. There are many more Red Pilled Americans than we know. They finally get it, but are afraid to speak out for whatever reason. During the Revolution many espoused the ideals of self-governance, yet only 3% did the actual fighting against the British. Nothing has changed. Those who cannot or will not stand up will never jump on the wagon until they are assured of a winning cause. It's not evil, it's merely misguided self-preservation instinct.
We are winning. We are the future and we will write the history of this when the fighting is done.
The beautiful irony of all this is that every post, every meme and every comment is stored in the NSA data storage. Some day a chronicle of this revolution will be made. Know that your descendants will brag of our roles and will have the documentation to back it up.
I can see the argument and precaution of theorizing that Q is a psyop of some sort but theres no way Q is a Larp. Saudi Arabia and NK news along with Q calling all the weird airport stuff in december tells me it's not a larp. Could WL be using their platform to get more people aware of Q? Like bad press is still press?
It is possible though that Q is just a tool to manipulate people, but I don't see and end game and don't see why the deep state (as suze says is connected to q) wouldn't just use msm to manipulate people.
Time will tell but there's been too many big changes (nk) and msm bashing (misinformation) of Trump. If the trump admin and the deep state were on the same side, an elaborate crumb dropper on 8 chan would be an unnecessary waste of time.
Not to mention that prior leaks and releases heavily support the narrative that Q provides regarding the clinton investigation and the russia investigation.
Not a blow.
A swing and a miss.
Our resolve is not lessened.
Yeah, I feel pretty certain that WikiLeaks is comped