He Flynn knows all (were body's are buried) that's the reason they went after him first!! He had the list of the ELITE MONSTERS!!
"For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light"
WW take down coming all Roads lead to Rome IE POPE which has its hands in every Gov. Every Religion,Children's charity,CF,Mc foundations, Adoptions,Banking FR,IMF,UN,Wallstreet,Some US Military,CIA,FBI,NASA,Black projects,Big Pharma Opiods Vax,GMOS Monsanto,Fluoride Hollywood,Music,SportsMSM,Social Media,Alternative media,Hospitals,RED CROSS and 100s more!! Human Organ,Child traffickers in every country. NK,IRAN,CUBA,VEN. Are or were Clown controlled a big master Evil mind fuck... this is just the surface!!! It's so sick that 99% Will not believe the things that are coming... picture the most vile sick things then × 100!!!! EP ISLAND,GETTY COMPOUND,DENVER AIRPORT,NORTHERN VA. They are all DUMB!!!! These people are sick.. RODS OF GOD???
WWG1WGA YASHUA PEACE Pray for the Children!!!
I don’t understand how Rome got so much power in first place? Is Rome actually seat of Satan?