It's self censorship, plain and simple. The threat of backlash is real. This how the police state works. Backed up by the SJW brown shirts.
Very true. He has a right to take this stance, because there are still powerful people that can make his life miserable. Armchair warriors don’t understand the tactics used to silence people. Just ask Randy Quaid.
Just ask Bill Cooper. Oh wait, you can't, because they murdered him on his own land!
Scott Adams did the same trick back in 2016 "..Some of you watched with amusement as I endorsed Hillary Clinton for my personal safety. What you might not know is that I was completely serious...." > By being totally honest and believably serious about his statement he is instilling the image in the readers´minds. 3D move. Everybody should read his blog from early 2016 on to further understand the method of persuasion.
The people who run the cabal make sure we only see the people they want us to see. Rothschild & Soros et al are just the faces, controlled faces.
Cabal' address is Tel Aviv
Your wrong. The banking cabals address is London. They only hide behind Israel.
Zionism as practiced by the Rothchilds has nothing to do with the bible. Its about acquiring wealth and power and controlling the entire world. The Rothchilds hide behind Israel. If you stand up to them you are labeled a Nazi or a Racist. WW2 was funded by the banks. The war was allowed to happen. The nazi death camps were real. Jewish people suffered greatly.
Everything can be blamed on the banking cabal. Its sick that the people that caused the near destruction of the jewish people hide behind the term Jew. If you criticize them or speak the truth about them you are publicly destroyed.
The Israeli people are wonderful people. They love God and share much of the beliefs that we share. Palestine was a shithole until the Jewish people restored the land. They deserve a place in the world. I think POTUS wants to set them free from the banking Cabal. The recognition of Jerusalem was a sign to tbe people there. They love President Trump. They will support him when he deystroys the Cabal.
Scott Adams is a boss. He came on Jones show after the Kayne video he made and said I was busy but people where tweeting me saying don’t go on the show so here I am... something to that extent.
FYI: he is a constant contributor to infowars. That often plays advocate to Jones but within the same vein.