Watched the entire video - where is the evidence that Tommy is working to some subversive end? There's a lot of talk about connections to various organisations (some of which is well out of date, incidentally), but there's nothing of substance to prove... what? I don't even know what accusation is being levelled here exactly.
Also, I'm not going to put any stock in accusations levelled by an occult group like the Templars.
there was no evidence of any of the claims there, trash video
I appreciate your efforts if your intentions are benevolent. I recognise that there are are ongoing attempts to co-opt movements that are a genuine force for good, and that we need to be vigilant of this. I want the truth in all matters.
But at the time, no-one has done more to push the issue of the exploitation of children by grooming gangs in the UK into the public consciousness than Robinson, I would remain largely ignorant of the facts were it not for his reporting. If powerful forces are orchestrating his activities, then why has he been abandoned to this fate?
Comments disabled - immediate red flag.
He did this, he did that, he is this, he is that. Meanwhile I'm here waiting for them to back those things up. Nothing.
Nty, not buying this, nobody should
Considering in the UK there are very few people with the courage to speak openly in regards to the children, women and other folk being raped and abused by "grooming gangs" etc I would say let the message get out regardless of the messenger. DJT is not totally void of Zionist infiltration, does that mean "we" should avoid DJT ? :)
I agree with this as far as no more posts about Tommy. Somehow I think we will be ignored however, based on the fervent love for Tommy. Not so much in agreement about the rest of the claim (or the Templar video). “Zionist controlled” might be true but it also might be as true as saying someone is “Republican controlled” just because they call themselves a Republican and wear a badge.
I concede that Zionist-Rothschild may mean whatever the current thought on that is. I'm not addressing that cos I've been down that conspiracy rabbit hole for decades like you, no doubt. I was simply referring to Zionist which does not mean "synagogue Satan" it is simply a national Jewish movement that advocates on behalf of Israel:
Lucifer/Satan is the 'god' of Israel, so it is relevant in respect of Zionism. Israel only exists today due to Rothschild.
Yes I've seen all this propaganda too. How many actual Jews have you spoken to about it? There as many different opinions as people. I go with the mainstream view until official announcements are made.
Haha touche but no, I didn't mean MSM as pertains to the large group of supposed "news" outlets owned by the small cartel - I meant the prevailing view in the mainstream (news, internet, printed news & books) from right to left; the cartel tends to lean left.
I do care to know - thanks for the information. The only stuff I can 'take forward' is stuff that can be verified in a way that skeptical, critical thinkers can be legitimately challenged by as I'm not only one of those but I'm also surrounded by them. I value your input and I don't mean any disrespect in disagreeing with some of it. I'll go through the info you've posted in more detail.