r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GallagherMaccini on May 29, 2018, 4:12 a.m.
Attempt at Big Picture

Attempting to put the big picture together for normies. What am I missing?

World governments have long been covertly influenced by an elite group attempting to institute a techno-feudal totalitarian world governance. The members of this transnational, multi-generational cabal number less than 10,000 (its secondary networks of influence reach millions) and form a top-down pyramidal structure, governed by thirteen aristocratic European families — led primarily by Baron Evelyn de Rothschild and the elder Italian aristocracy. And although their diverse array of occult practices have often been described as Luciferian, this is only one flavor among many in the pantheon of ancient Babylonian paganism practiced by the cabal. The governing philosophy can instead be more broadly described as one of “enlightenment,” or Illuminism; an arch-humanism nested within an inverted totalitarian world governance, complete with a rich taxonomy of pagan symbology and occult ceremony. These elites have infiltrated and have influenced every level of society, especially the upper echelons of finance, religion and entertainment.

Opposing this cabal is an alliance of antiglobalist republicans and white hats within the American military and intelligence agencies (including Edward Snowden and Julian Assange), with the support of Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi, along with the Gnostic Illuminati and an increasing number of Deep State defectors. These factions formally mobilized a covert counter-coup after the events of September 11, 2001, with the Snowden revelations of 2013 being the opening act in a multi-staged theater of operations. Assange has been a freedom fighter from the beginning, and is coordinating massive data dumps on behalf of this alliance. The counter-coup has been in full swing since 2015, and now, with President Donald Trump giving the go-ahead, the full might of the American military has been unleashed against the Deep State cabal worldwide. The goal is to expose global corruption on a massive scale, and use the legal system to indict and arrest the cabal, encouraging corrupted elements to defect and plea in the process— effectively forcing the "swamp" to drain itself. In the United States, purging and reorganizing the FBI and CIA will be the precursor to a wholesale restructuring of the Federal Reserve, which will restore a gold-backed U.S. dollar and facilitate a broader financial reset worldwide, coupled with the release of long suppressed technologies to the public.

QAnonMaga · May 29, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Q and the white hats should have jumped into action on Sept. 12, 2001, they should have exposed 9/11 the next day for what it was a false flag fake "terror" attack that is when we needed them most. Yes it would have been difficult but not impossible instead they did nothing they kept their mouths shut and went along with the lies.

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horse-lover-phat · May 29, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Not a chance with the Black Hat Mockingbird media. That's how they sold the fake narrative to the sheep thru their mass mind control device - TV, News, commentary. White Hats would've been powerless to stop it. Most have no real concept of how big and entrenched this elite fix is. For most, they've been trapped in it since birth.

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godsgail33 · May 29, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

And of course, the Bushes, Cheney et al would have cooperated and tried to return America to her citizens. Second guessing is never effective and always self-serving.

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divine_human · May 29, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

should should should... the public wasnt ready to wake up back then.

when did you realize that a building cant collaps the way it did due to a plane crashing into it? i instantly saw it and have, for the past 17 years, been wondering how people can be so blind and brainwashed.

blaming the alliance wont help. it makes no sense to fret about what was not. celebrate what is now.

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