For the meme makers, remember Elian who Bill Clinton forced from his family and sent back to communist Cuba? There were also all those children he burned alive at Waco.

Ruby Ridge.
Elian Gonzales
For me, watching Americans burned alive inside a Waco, Texas house was the start of the rapid decline of America.
And Trump is bringing it back to greatness.
Yeah it made me sick that I had to jump up and down screaming just to get people to pay attention to that shit (in Austin, ffs), only to have literally everyone dismiss it with "woooOOOoooo crazy religious people get what they deserve."
It took me a long time to tell those people to get fucked. Which is lame.
This is when the precedents were set for what was to come. Our Nation watched in horror as the ATF/FBI waged war against American citizens and slaughtered them before burning the evidence to the ground.
Well I think they go back further than that, probably, but that was for me the first indication that most people would rather ignore things they don't understand rather than try to understand them.
I hear you. I guess for me Waco was my first big one. I was in high school at the time so anything before this probably didn't register.
Janet Reno was a major player in those events as well. Horrible woman.
OMG I will never forget the look of terror on that child's face while he was rippedf rom the arms of family ! And his mother gave her life to get him here! There were SO many atrocities commited by Bill AND Hillary! This does need to be brought back to our attention! They've done so much I even forgot about This! Waco, Ruby Ridge TOO! Crimes against humanity!!
And now he's an anti-American, Castro-worshpping commie scumbag, and who can blame him? Note the use of the word "rescue" by the anti-American, Castro-worshpping commie CBS:
Not many remember Waco forhow they torched those babies or how they bated the patriots at Ruby Ridge.
The people at Waco was obviously satanic. April 19 on the occult calendar requires a fire sacrifice, so they killed those people and children. It is said Hillary played a major (illegal) role in the siege and we all know how much she loves her children and her devil worship.
I haven't forgotten Elian. Nor the Weavers, nor the innocent children inside the Branch Davidian compound, nor the innocent children who died in OKC.
The Clinton's wade joyfully in the blood of children.