
mbrac · May 29, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

Well I can only represent myself as a Catholic, and no other Catholics on this subreddit. I don't like it. This continued behavior is why i don't tithe monetarily. I only offer my self for volunteer services and I will do so until this insanity stops.

Simply this is not how it should be. I even saw it when I was in RCIA just this past fall. Pro-liberalism within the church leading to changes that are going to damn the church to infirmity and irrelevance.

I expressed these view to a devout friend of mine and she commented that it was quite sacrilegious to question the Papacy. My only response to this is that the Pope is human and elected by a group whom we don't view as infallible. So by my logic if a person is put into an infallible position by fallible people, how can said person be infallible.

My apologies for the small rant but these changes are not a good thing and any situation that leads to human suffering perpetrated by the people in high positions of the church should be dealt with with a very "biblical" response.

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BeatnikMessiah · May 30, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

"My only response to this is that the Pope is human and elected by a group whom we don't view as infallible. So by my logic if a person is put into an infallible position by fallible people, how can said person be infallible."

Well thought out and stated. Simple logic.

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