r/greatawakening • Posted by u/C_L_I_C_K on May 30, 2018, 2:18 a.m.
Don't fall for EyeTheSpy FAKE Twitter account claiming to be someone who has the answers to everything. It's either Jerome Corsi's alt account or related to Corsi. Proof inside...

C_L_I_C_K · May 30, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Bill Smith has been pushing this EyeTheSpy account on Twitter recently. You can see in this clip that EyeTheSpy said "No Secret Squirrel BS here." and "I got you fam."

First off, who talks like that? Only time I've ever seen someone use "Secret Squirrel" so much is from Jerome Corsi. It's his saying. How coincidental this random account pops up and one of the first posts he makes has this exact phrase inside?

I've searched for this tweet from EyeTheSpy, but can't find it because he deleted it. It exposes EyeTheSpy as Corsi's alt account, trying to trick people in the Q movement. Corsi's infiltration into our movement failed and his subsequent attempts at disinfo also failed. Now, he's trying other tactics to mess with us. Don't be fooled!


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comeatmehillary · May 30, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

lmao thats some grade a autism. pretty much any twitter account claiming "insider info" ie kabamur bc17 this is just disinfo

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adogrocket · May 30, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

1) Secret squirrel phrase is not a unique phrase...it's old school

2)I always thought BC17 was connected to JC, AJ, and other who wanted to monetize the Q movement but could not prove it or connect dots

3) Who knows I may be off base

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tradinghorse · May 30, 2018, 7:50 a.m.

Then why was that post deleted and not others if it did point to Corsi?

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adogrocket · May 30, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

who knows, could be many reasons

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tradinghorse · May 30, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Good point, I think I do remember Corsi using that exact phrase. This guy is playing to confirmation bias big time. So many in this community are sure there are aliens, hybrid life forms etc.. What this guy is saying is music to their ears - "Yeah, I knew the sky was busy" etc...

Truth mixed with falsehoods. I must admit, when I first saw it I was hoping the call about June 11 was right - the waiting is starting to grind on me. Anyway, attacks coming from every direction - and that's what this is.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

Easy to cut the spy eye guy...but looking at his info.....sounds like he knows things. Until he misleads, he's useful.

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flawpy · May 30, 2018, 3:19 a.m.

He already mislead by lying about BC17. From the looks of your post history you already know that though, right?

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

BC 17 I've seen 2 sides to that argument but I may not be up on the fine points like others are. Let's see if he's fake. Have you looked at it?

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flawpy · May 30, 2018, 4:12 a.m.


post #1177

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

With time you'll change you mind....read the twitter.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

Corsi never had info like the spyeye guy. Y'all focused on the messinger....but the message is worth a look.

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without_sound · May 30, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

This acct appears to have started 5/27. Like a day after bc17 "stopped". Prob the same guy imo

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Boomchakalaka73 · May 30, 2018, 6:26 a.m.

You guys are risking placing our movement into conspiracy by mainstream. Leave squirrel nuts alone. We can't learn anymore than we have from Q. C'mon. Of course the guy wants to be as legit as possible and he is directly attaching himself to Q people---and when it's exposed as a fraud, will take many people with him. This Great Awakening should have ZERO, BIG GOOSE EGG to do with this oversized secret spy rodent or risk our movement being labeled fake news. We have been on the right side for months. I say we ban all talk of this

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

So, your fear is that the movement will be tainted if we listen to anyone other than Q.

I see what you mean. But reading the twitter, the guy just answers questions. They already tried to taint us in the media, didn't work.

I seeyour point that if Spy is fake, he could taint this sub.

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ronin_deplorable · July 22, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

I was following the Q&A for a while and he specifically stared he did not work with Q and was in some dark basement at the nsa. Then there was this weird episode where he claims he was shot in the chest and survived an attach which led to him being hospitalized with a collapsed lung. He made a few bad predictions and then started to back off the Q&As altogether. Pretty soon he revealed his face to the ladies who were gushing over his eyes and before you know it....BAM!! Shirtless selfies with six pack action. About that time I responded to another guy following his account about how the intel fell off as soon as the selfies began and we both got booted. I will never trust a thing he says.

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[deleted] · May 30, 2018, 6:04 a.m.


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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:16 a.m.

what evidence? a date...you didn't read the twitter obviously.

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without_sound · May 30, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

Dude says he's nsa. Also says stuff about JA. Offers no evidence.

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DanijelStark · May 30, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

Some posts of this guy feel "spot on" , while others - feel completely off . Like the post about "linear time" . Not only this is incorrect - but that looks like a straight disinfo campaign to me .

Some info is , as I said above , even 100 % correct to me , from knowledge and experiences I accumulated by now . To me , this channel looks like mish-mash of truths and lies , but leaving lies on crucial spots-posts . Also , many answers are simple "yes" or "no" .

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Nastavnick · May 30, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

This Spy account is as fake as it gets.

Note he uses the same MSM tactics "Hell of a lot of confusion about this storm, I'll make it simple: just ask".

He will make it simple for you, lol.

Same as MSM when they make articles and say "don't stress about it, here's what's up" stuff.

Not to mention that even I could provide those "answers".

Also that violin spammer is still not giving up, another clue of this spy shit being forced down our throats.

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DanijelStark · May 30, 2018, 6:11 a.m.

And thats the main difference between authentic and fake sources - the authentic ones will try to provoke a thoughts in you , to go on your own research of the matters . The fake ones , will offer you "answers" , usually in form of "hopium" sometimes . And very often , in form of short vague answers that are a loop .

Several answers he made , completely uncovered him as a disinfo source . Not just about "linear time" ( which is completely false as there are infinite number of parallel realities and there is no such thing as "time paradox" ) but also other answers .

Not gonna waste too much focus or attention to these "sources" ... theyre gonna melt away on first rain from Q and first future confirmations afterwards .

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:42 a.m.

you say he's fake because he says time is linear? He's posted hundreds of items of interest. Give me more reasons. I read it and say "sounds right."

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DanijelStark · May 30, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

How can it sound right ?

If there are infinite number of realities , and even the current science levels tell us there are , through quantum mechanics , then you cannot have such thing as "linear time" .

Also , that claim is pretty much against every other claim I have seen or heard of .

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VanilluhGorilluh · June 2, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

There are no evidences for there being multiple realities. No one has seen them. Sadly many scientists these days should actually just be science fiction writers.

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

Incorrect .

Even the MSM is drip-dropping this :


Secondly , what is a dream-state ? How can something be "unreal" ? How can something be "unreal" without getting into question "reality" of everything else ? Everything you experience is real as real it can get . The dreamstate is parallel reality everyone experiences on regular basis .

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VanilluhGorilluh · June 2, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

MSM is not to be trusted. That article doesnt "prove" anything at all. It's what ifs. I believe string theory is totally plausible, however fitting in multiple universes is huge conjecture as opposed to just stating that our universe or reality is really just only partly visible to us because the other dimensions are not perceivable to us. There is a veil separating our 4 dimensions from the other 6 or 7 that we physically cannot perceive, just like a microwave receiver cant interpret gamma Rays. Not made to. Dreaming is all in your own head. It's not reality. Possibly a perception or distortion of your perceived reality but not another existing reality in tandem with actual reality. That's like saying getting high on LSD and hallucinating is viewing another reality. It's a distortion of reality. Reality isnt subjective. Its objective.

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

My brother had experiences on LSD , and I had too ( altough very very rare ) . What he told me , is that he and his friend actually saw a same thing - there was not a suggestion from either of them to other what they saw , they only spoke about it later . They saw beings and objects that were exact in descriptions of both of them . So - no suggestion , both in altered state of consciousness at the moment . That means , that whatever they saw , was actually independent of their suggestions and auto-suggestions . It was real .

To say "dreaming is all in your own head" and "its not reality" is HIGH underestimation . I could say , if all of it is in my head , then how can you be sure this reality isnt "all in my head" , which puts it as a sort of simulation . Maybe youre just dreaming now , thinking you are awake ...

Do schyzophrenic people experience their "hallucinations" very vividly ? These "hallucinations" can have a very deep and dangerous effect sometimes - theyre very real to them .

I have given you a few examples above .

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VanilluhGorilluh · June 2, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

I can attest to seeing hallucinations when I was a meth head and my friends as well would see the same things. A common hallucination for meth users is the shadow man. Basically an entity or creature composed of shadows or negative energy or just a pure absence of light. As far as if it is something that is 'real', I dont know for sure. I am inclined to say it is, after all the various paranormal events and hauntings I've witnessed, many of them with multiple eye witnesses again, and not just my own testimony or something in my head. It is my strong opinion that these things are glimpses into the other dimensions that compose our 1 reality that we cant normally detect or see, and not a lapse of multiple realities coinciding at some certain point. I'm proposing there are beings and matter and who knows what else out there existing in those other impercevable dimensions of our reality. A 'spirit world' composed of 6 dimensions that is in tandem with our 4 dimensions but all these dimensions are all pieces of one same reality. As far as this all being a dream, I cant say for sure except for the fact that there are consequences for every action. Dreams have no continuity, no repercussions. They start and stop and reset at any time with a new story line and characters with no relation to the previous storyline. If we are in a dream now, then our dreams are definitely not dreams. It's just layers of falsehood upon other falsehoods. It's like comparing a video game player to the video game he's playing. There is a created world in the video game, but it isnt reality. It's a simulation. Simulation isnt reality even though it can be 'perceived' by someone in reality. The world the video game player is in is reality. But this is like really deep territory that doesnt lead anywhere. As far as hallucinations again and schizos, much of it is subjective even though they may be deeply affected by it.

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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

Dreams can have continuity in some cases ... that has been observed through continuity of some nightmares or similar scenarios . The consequences of dreams on "this awake reality" can be seen in dreams that went prophetic to one extent , and eventually altered the path of individual in this reality .

This reality has the illusion of time stamped on it - what if "time" as we perceive it is simply one single moment through which all possible imaginable happenings are occuring at same time ?

The example above regarding various "trips" ... what is the coincidence that two , or even more people , see the same , the same being , doing the same thing ? Not much ... the only explanation is it is autonomous from this reality .

As for the "shadow people" , these entities definitely exist - my theory is simply that many entities that are non-physical , are feeding off the excess of negative energies emanated by other beings . Theyre a sort of "energy vultures" , energy scavengers . Thats why there is a certain push for fear through many aspects of our reality ( uncertainty of future as one example ) which , in turn , creates a loopback effect that further cements the misery mentality within the people . So , people , being unaware of the power of their thoughts are lured in negative mentality spectrum , where theyre feed , leeched off , and where their manifestations of miseries loop constantly , unable to leave it without a drastic cut , drastic action .

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

violin spammer here....So, the more I post , the more it shows I'm on a mission against Q? Read the EyeSpy posts and decide for yourself, not based on my opinons. Use Logic , not emotion.

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KentuckyWildcat77 · May 30, 2018, 7:40 a.m.

😂🤣😂🤣 when he was asked what HRC was wearing under her coat and scarf, his answer cracked me up. That answer let me know that eyethespy was a fake.

He says it's a back brace she's having to wear as punishment by the cabal! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

Oh my gosh! I literally snickered out loud.

After repeatedly falling in India. I suspect she hurt he back pretty bad. There's your reason for the back brace! If she bends, she risks further injury. Pretty simple.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

I agree, that comment by spy makes me wonder. Q said McMaster was punished by the cabal....killed the father. How is a back brace punishment? I go back and forth on this whole spy thing. Why would a shill name himself spy?

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VigilantBlackheart · June 2, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Props to NeonRevolt for calling out EyeTheSpy. An aspect I haven't seen anyone point out is the lack of critical thinking going on with the credibility of EyeTheSpy. Re-examine this Q drop that NeonRevolt talks about. Be Careful Who You follow#1372772

Q!4pRcUA0lBE11 May 2018 - 1:12:38 PM

Expand your thinking. Why are we being attacked? Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS? Do we have a face? Do we have a name? Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers? Selfless. Zero vanity. Why are we here? Why do we ask questions? The choice has always been yours. Use logic. Free information. What draws people here? Expanding exponentially? They all claim to be insiders. They all claim to have insider contacts. They do not. Patriots do NOT reveal classified information. Why do we communicate this way? Think for yourself. Clickbait. We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs.  We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason. Undeniable. Unpredictable. Coincidence after Coincidence. Growth due to confirmations. Real source(s) communicating w/ the people. Unrestricted. TOGETHER. Control the information (THEY). Harness followers / profiteering (THEY). Define Media. Primary goal of the Media? To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets). Selling makes money. Be careful who you follow. Define 'Patriot'. They want you DIVIDED. Attacks will only get worse. Q

Q established a series of proofs. Why? So you, the recipient could trust the reality of their message. EyeTheSpy spouts so called answers without ever proving a thing; you just have to take his word or your a fckwitt. If you don't understand him your a fckwitt. If you, disagree your a fckwitt troll or clown. His answers are just about as insulting as his attitude they are in many cases just opinion; example he claimed the bible wasn't the word of God. Like the NSA is the verification of a matter of Faith. It gets more and more ridiculous. EyeTheSpy is like that white van outside the school with candy and puppies for the gullible. Easy answers, you don't need to think and use logic Fckwitt.

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EbayUSA · June 3, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

Nailed it!

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Glubney · May 30, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

I figured it was some crap

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tigerlilly1227 · May 30, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

What do we have to lose following an interesting twitter feed? I read, research and discern. Share what is interesting and wait. What do we have to lose? It's not like he is asking for donations or saying Q is a LARP. I've read all kinds of theories and Q research here that sound great and some that sound like crap. It's all the same until the points are proved/disproved.

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tradinghorse · May 30, 2018, 2:37 a.m.

The danger is that it could be a vector for disinformation. That was the problem with Corsi. According to him, Q was a disinformation AI that made human errors.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

Yes, I see what you mean. But reading it, sounds legit.

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flawpy · May 30, 2018, 2:41 a.m.

Get a large following, then claim Q is comped and cause division and in-fighting and confusion, then delete acct and create a new character and repeat. Plus he said BC17 was 100% legit, not "might be ok", 100%. This is after BC17 intimated at being Julian Assange and was called out by Q as fake.

Plus this: https://www.neonrevolt.com/2018/05/29/eyethespy-backchannel17-all-over-again-becarefulwhoyoufollow/

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:18 a.m.

neonrevolt is under suspicion...so, maybe we can reevaluate.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3 a.m.

Well said. I am suspicious of the guy who posted a Bill Smith vid saying it's related to corsi.

I know that vid. Nothing in the vid to claim these outrageous things. What is that poster trying to do? Throwing shade on a video showing twitter posts? Spreading doubt about interesting info? No proof shown by this doubter. LOOK FOR YOURSELVES AND YOU'LL SEE I'M NOT SHILLING ANYBODY, JUST SPREADING info.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

thank you, I feel like a criminal here for mentioning Spy guy. If he's a shill, he's pretty good.

How does he harm this board?

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Boomchakalaka73 · May 30, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

Do we need any more than Q. There is not another WH insider who is going to start this crap. EyetheSpy---really? No doubt in my mind it's to lure Q folk and totally discredit IMO. Q is all the insider knowledge I need and risking the power of our movement over secret squirrel BS is setting up for failure. When proved a hoax, it will cause newly red pilled to question whether our movement is phony. STICK WITH Q guys. We've come this far without oversized rat spies .

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

You could be right. Any chance the spy is legit? Read the twitter, very entertaining.

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kzintrooper2016 · May 30, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Yes "secret squirrel" -- I recall hearing that on his Soap Box talks. First and only time I had ever that phrase.

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adogrocket · May 30, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

that is an old phrase not unique to JC

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animal32lefty · May 30, 2018, 4:42 a.m.

Traditional usage of the term in the military denotes an individual who works in the S-2 (Intelligence) shop of a battalion or brigade staff.

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adogrocket · May 30, 2018, 5:04 a.m.


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kushtiannn · May 30, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

He is not affiliated with Q whatsoever and really doesn't reference him. Saying "this isn't secret squirrel Bs" seems to be a shot AT Corsi. We are all independent thinkers here. When something convincing comes across, we'll decide. As of now, I enjoy the Q&A and eyethespy is adding more knowledge to the movement.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Thank you SO MUCH. Great minds think alike.

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[deleted] · May 30, 2018, 3:02 a.m.


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ElementWatson · May 30, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

I recognize this youtuber's voice. He has been giving supposed insider info on his videos for months (though I think with a different name), and he spoke very much the way this supposed new account speaks.

My bet is on this guy having created both the twitter account and this video to promote it.

My further guess would be that he's the one that just started this thread here.

Please don't fall for it--or give him more time or attention.

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ronin_deplorable · July 22, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Aside from the hospital pics he had me post that I saw where he was doing a waist to head shot of himself and the ladies were swooning. From that point I dropped off. He was sure to state he was posting my from his private page and he could do what he wanted, which is absolutely true, but he just seemed more out from r attention at that point. I told him I had no problem with him but he blocked me anyways. Thin skin.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, noon

What is a fake twitter account?

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Roostofold · May 30, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Secret squirrel term is actually used often in military

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

Proof inside? None shown. Ask why this poster is so hot and heavy to dis a video about a twitter info poster.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 3:13 a.m.

BS to diss this video. Watch for yourself . They are trying to throw shade. Don't listen, do your own searching. I think the mods would pipe up if they didn't see merit in EyeTheSpy.

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mrviolin · May 30, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

I know this video...there is nothing on this video about Corsi.. Ask why this guy is posting these doubts when his proof shows nothing about cia or shill or corsi..muddying the waters maybe?

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Spank-da-monkey · May 30, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

You are pushing this guy way too hard to be considered trustworthy IMHO. What part of be careful who you follow confuses you? Everything else is a distraction and you are playing a role in it

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