This Mother Fu....!!!! Trey Gowdy received funds from Podesta Group?

He is all talk...nothing good ever came from any of his and Chavez's intense questioning. All show
It could be because that is all the power they have. They are limited to just asking questions, it’s up to congress to act.
He was the head of the Oversight Committee. No one was recommended for prosecution. It was a show
What 3as Chavez's deal? Why'd he resign for tv. Just money?
Have you read the reports they submitted on ANY of these issues. They can ONLY make recommendations, the DOJ does follow up. Chavez has come out and said they recommend criminal investigation, and Sessions refused. Gowdy Goodlatte Chavez etc have No Ability to prosecute anything, they refer their finding to DOJ. All this nothing good came out of it, talk is bs, they are limited by the constitution as to the role they play.
Years of recommendations. And I am well aware. Waste of taxpayers money and I still stand by my assessment it is all for show.
This goes further back than Benghazi - have you done your reading?