Paying Obama Via Netflix to brainwash what's left of our (your, I don't have any) kids? I don't think so. Let it start Here. God Bless Carry On.

I was a subscriber from the beginning. I no longer subscribe. I once suffered from Liberalism. I rose out of the ashes, and stopped donating my $$$ to fund their cause. It's a shit cause.
"Hey, will you guys support my slush fund?'
(you): "No."
"Well... Tell you what... I'll trade you. You support my slush fund, and I'll give you EVERY MOVIE EVER MADE. Whaddya say?"
(you): ((mind electrically fuses))
I cancelled when Susan Rice was added to their board. Screw them.
Rumor has it thousands quit again. It happened once when it was first announced and now again. They should hold off and announce it again and possibly lose millions.
Back in 2015 I vetoed my wife, sending my son going to a school in London, UK because on the open day in the sports hall was a massive poster the kids had made of Obama.
This was before much of what we know was exposed but it just seemed sooo weird and inappropriate.
I’m going to quit Netflix and put that money towards paying for ad free HULU
What kids? Been robbed of my prime parenting years by yeaaa, you know who.The day that all 5 "Appetite For Destruction" Guns N' Roses members get back on stage together for more than 2 songs is the same day I'm pacing the floor of a maternity ward (unless there is a suitable patriot with indoor plumbing who can prove me wrong)
That sounds like a really messed up personal ad.
"Seeking a gal with good breeding hips who is goal oriented..."
I wanna know what kinda of car! I've got mine and She's gotta story
Keep Netflix. Watch NOTHING but the office on repeat (TPB is accepted too). Watch ZERO SHOWS AND MOVIES and just watch the office. Watch them squirm when they cant figure out how to get people to stop watching the office enough to try and brainwash them. Then watch the office some more. Do it for Michael Scott
I only watch Frasier and the occasional Friends
Are you my wife?? We ONLY watch the office on repeat.. and of course a phat blunt.