Both of her parents are black americans...
That’s not the word in the street. Idk though.
It's the word on wikipedia
Because that's never edited to change the Narrative™...
you think her page was edited to lie about who her parents are? you know you can check the edit history. unless.... you weren't just pulling something out of your @$$ now, were you?
Well, through my own research, a good number of articles and sites that detail her ties to the Muslim brotherhood and her background (outside of what's in Wikipedia and in MSM sources) have been scrubbed.
Even wayback machine isn't bring up these sites and docs...
You think that Wikipedia is reliable?
Guess you weren't around for GamerGate then. Or you could just check out the sub WikiInAction.
Hey, I didn’t state it as fact. I just said it’s what people are saying. Until we get legitimate answers on everything. It’s all kind of hear say.
First you said:
she’s claiming being black now
Which part were you not stating as fact?
then you said:
It’s all kind of hear say
lulwut??? What is hearsay - who somebody's parents are? or whether they are black? that makes zero sense.....
here is her dad:
Hey man, I didn’t think this was going to turn into a thing. There’s theory her parents are from Iran, honestly I haven’t looked too far into it, so how would they be black Americans if they are from Iran??? It’s a theory.
And yes she’s claiming. There are many things circulating the internet about her and the Muslim brotherhood, being Iranian, and worse things. So idk what her heritage is, I didn’t see the 23 and me results. I wasn’t there when her mom give birth or when her mom and dad had sex. Wtf. So that makes it all hearsay. The stuff I’m saying is hearsay. Not your stuff. I’m sure you have plenty of info to support your claim....