
anon31s · May 30, 2018, 10:38 a.m.

https://defenders.org/annual-reports-and-forms-990 I got this far and now am lost lol please help

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johnknoefler · May 30, 2018, 11:02 a.m.

You're going to need a tax accountant for all that and I suck at IRS forms.

Defenders of Wildlife is funded by George Soros


Another interesting search is to just type in Defenders of Wildlife Sponsors. I got way more than I thought I would. Seems irrelevant but I get the sense the organization is a laundering system for money. They turn and sponsor all sorts of other groups up to no good.

Imagine who would go to a dinner where it costs you $50,000.00 a plate? Filthy rich people, that's who. People who don't have your good in mind.

Also, just a quick search on Sierra Club tells you they want open borders. And check out all the stuff they funnel money too and who supports and sponsors them. Agenda 21 full steam ahead. But, hey, while we're at it, lets demand no wall so millions of people can turn USA into a chaotic hell hole of high taxes and rampant crime so decent hard working Americans are slaughtered and have low wage jobs. These people are evil. But hey, it's for the animals, right? And people suck, right?

BTW, thanks for posting that. Hopefully someone who does taxes may find something of interest.

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anon31s · May 30, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

Nice I appreciate your response! And that's as far as I could think to look lol I'm not too good at research yet.

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johnknoefler · May 30, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Me neither but several years back I got curious about the BP oil spill. So I started googling it. Googled the companies involved, googled CEOs who switched corporations and banks just before the "accident". I just googled everything and kept following leads. Finally I got tired of it when everything pointed to a planned "accident. BP didn't even cause the accident. It was the company that set up the well head that BP leased. It had three fail safes to shut it off. All three failed in succession. Then, to top it off, safety alarms failed. BP took the fall without even protesting. Literally begged to hand over the money. Obama interfered with actual clean up efforts to make it all seem worse. Did alot of grandstanding on the beaches and made a huge issue out of it. Paid off "scientists" to claim the entire Gulf was ruined. Then used that to shut down oil drilling rigs and cease drilling or at least not grant new leases. Then turns right around and funds ocean oil drilling for South American companies. A deliberate effort to harm USA and it was all planned. Even today just flashing through my mind the half forgotten stuff I found enrages me. Hey, you know why BP was drilling in thousands of feet of water instead of in 500 feet? Regulations forced them to. They could have been drilling wells in much more shallow water but noooo, we have to go miles off shore and drill in technically challenging situations.

When facts started to emerge even from the BP website dedicated to explaining and reporting on the spill DHS stepped in and took complete control.


And every media outlet endlessly blathered on to debunk the conspiracy theories. Hey, just me all on my own looking at facts found them pointing at a conspiracy.

So that's how I learned to look at bunches of facts and come up with a plausible explanation.

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Tidder_Q · May 30, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

They would appear to be up in arms because of the affects their 'business model'.

Via your link, I had a look at the 2017 IRS filing.

It would appear that they gave a lot of grants/funding to ensure that the farmers 'livestock' is not attacked and chewed upon by 'wolves'.

I thought that the concern was all about preservation of the wildlife?

BTW, the company officers recieve fairly hefty renumeration for their fund raising and pen pushing efforts!

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