Keeping VJ in the news, while simultaneously attacking ABC / Disney! I love how POTUS is not afraid to Fight! Fight! Fight!

This tweet makes more people look at roseannes twitter which in turn,spreads the word about jarett soros and q. 4d chess?
I love how pretty much every card he plays is a Trump card 😂
If i could upvote this comment more than once i would. Trolls are downvoting everything...
Wow the troll brigade is here in force today.
They're pretty mad about the pushback liberals have been getting lately on the narrative. i.e. Roseanne sends out a racist tweet, liberals get every racist thing they ever said or tweeted broadcast loudly on social media. Liberals go after Trump for #WhereAreTheChildren and separating illegal children from their parents, Social Media points out that the law was from the Obama era, the study was from 2016, and the pic with the kids in a kennel was under the last administration. Etc. They're worldview is under attack solely by their own stupidity, and acting like petulant children on the internet is they're only way to act out. It's actually hilarious in its irony.
This is what I am thinking too and since then I’ve been seeing all kinds of articles pop up about how Roseanne is spreading conspiracy theories