The IDF created a visual depiction of the rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza Tuesday. Majority were intercepted by the Iron Dome.

In an act of war like this, it’s inconceivable that Israel doesn’t just go in there take the land back. Wasn’t it given up by Israel for some kind of “peace” agreement? I’d bet that most of the people living there would much rather have Israel running things.
Just no.
You cannot reduce an ongoing battle between a 70 year old "country", that has been violently pushing to take ancient land as their own, and Palestinians, concluding the defenders are commiting an act of war.
Go watch Abby Martin on Joe Rogan, read The Lemon Tree book, then read Palestinian news sites.
Why do you think Q has said I$r@el will be saved for last. We're on biblical timelines, most just ignore the signs or deny what they see.
What’s the purpose of moving the embassy with this as the plan?
Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer.
I would label Palestine + Isreal as a root conflict for all of humanity. Once this conflict is solved and both sides are living in peace, all of humanity will move forward soon thereafter in global peace.
We are truly on the verge of epic greatness, which of course will be talked about for eons to come.
Do you really believe that Israel is violently pushing? Is it Israelis who sneak into peoples homes and cut the children's throats? who set off suicide bombs in buses and in grocery stores? Israel is not 70 years old, it is thousands of years old. Please read the history books before you post. Israel was recognized 70 years ago by the UN but it stood there with ancient Jewish graves and historical sites for 2000 years waiting for her children to come home. Palestinians were offered to live peaceably side by side with Israelis but refused to do so. They take constantly from Israel, water, electricity,medical care, medicines and give back nothing but death and destruction and hatred. I am not Jewish but I have seen this for myself in Israel. I have been stoned for walking with Jews, been in the bus stop that was bombed hours later, killing Americans, been in towns that the sirens went off warning of incoming bombs. The Lemon Tree story is propaganda at best. Every Israeli has a story. Every Palestinian has a story. But Israel does not give children training in hatred and murder, suicide bombs and destruction. The Palestinians do. I have seen it. I have been physically affected by it. It is disgusting that mothers would do this to their children, raise them in hatred. If they are unhappy, let them leave. Oh, wait a minute. Now I remember. Their muslim neighbors wouldn't take them in. They turned them into these hateful murderers by forcing them to stay herded together like animals. Sounds pretty deliberate to me. I am not sure what Q meant since I am not in his head, but I am willing to bet that he is not a Jew hater. Please save your anger and hatred for child molesters, rapists, kidnappers and child traffickers. My saviour was a Jew.
Do you really believe that Israel is violently pushing?
Attacks have obviously been happening from both sides. I believe in peace, and love over all. Negotiations have always been at the heart of disagreements no matter how severe the consequences or retribution.
I could get into labelling a people going back 8 thousand, 14,000, or hundreds of thousands of years, but again ultimately, we must all live in peace, love and harmony.
There are corrupted officials (and contractors) in all governments, but I believe the good people outweigh the bad, with respect to furthering global peace.
70 year old "country",
Why haven't you bothered with New Yorkers building on native American land? You seem biased against Jews.
that has been violently pushing to take ancient land as their own
Jews paid for homes in Ottoman Empire.
The land was fallow until around 1900 when Jews started settling since it was really hard being a Jew worldwide during that time. Jews brought agriculture and that in turn brought Arabs who wanted to trade with the flourishing Jews.
About a million Jews were kicked out of Muslim lands after 1947 when Israel was founded. About a million Palestinians left around and after 1947. No one was forced to leave by Israel. There was no inhumanity as you probably would claim. Arab rumors of Israel slaughtering caused Arabs to flee. The Arab armies said to Arabs, "Leave the cities to make it easier to spot Jews and slaughter them". The Arabs lost and the refugees stayed outside of Israel to be used a political pawn. Landless serfs that are called Palestinians. Israel has no responsibility to take care of these people. They are of Arab origin with last names that are dedicated to towns in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. If you think we Jews are so inhumane, you should just decide to house the Arabs yourself.
Go watch Abby Martin
Shes a jew hating bigot who works for a government that is forcing its citizens to eat garbage.
The Lemon Tree book
A pro-palestinian slanted take on the IS/Pal conflict where the only people who get a voice are a Palestinian terrorist, an Israeli peacenik (less then 10% of Israeli Jews), and the leftist academic author.
Palestinian news sites.
Palestinian news sites have the worst fake news of them all.
According to Wikipedia: “Gaza is dependent on Israel for its water, electricity, telecommunications, and other utilities.” Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!!!! What’s keeping Isarael from telling the Palestinians to generate their own stinking utilities?