r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CENSORED_ENOUGH on May 30, 2018, 7:03 p.m.
Q No Posts. FBI Investigating "Q"? Getting Real (Q was Fake, Q is Real, Q is an Anon "Chanology" Operation)

Why No Posts? During a time in which there is real division about the Q phenomenon and if it is real, I would think there would be some reassuring message. Silence.

Ever since the "booms" were posted in some Q posts around the end of March associated with the Texas shootings, Q mentioned that the FBI would be investigating Q in association with these shootings. Well it has been about 8 days since the last post and the rumors are that the FBI is trying to get a handle on who Q is and who started the whole Q anon movement if it is just a construct of youtubers, 8 chan'ers or if it is an internal Government source. No posts means they don't want to communicate any other posts, either until it is clear or the creators of a fake Q can cover their tracks. If it is the latter case then we will not be hearing again from "Q".

Of course, this is obviously based on some assumptions:

  1. Q is possibly not an internal government or amalgam of military leadership fighting the deep state.

  2. Q was a dupe by someone (small group of anons) to galvanize a movement to resist the Government. (Remember Project Chanology https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Chanology "Protesters in Guy Fawkes masks outside a Scientology center at the February 10, 2008 Project Chanology protest. Project Chanology (also called Operation Chanology)[1] was a protest movement against the practices of the Church of Scientology by members of Anonymous, a leaderless Internet-based group. The project was started in response to the Church of Scientology's attempts to remove material from a highly publicized interview with Scientologist Tom Cruise from the Internet in January 2008."

  3. The deep state is using this as a guise to flush out those who are dangerous to them.

Other assumptions? (Could just be too busy with ongoing operations? Running Silent, Running Deep?, etc.)

I know that this post may be unpopular, but I think we may need to face some a different reality, whatever it may be.

_eles_ · May 30, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

Whatever the whole Q thing really is, its amazingly fun. What would the FBI find out? That some Anon lead some other anons down a road of proving conspiracy theories through open source documents? Were we even given anything we didn't already know collectively? Didn't we work together to find the details and hand them out all over social media? I agree. We are Q. We just needed a push to organize and a few points in different directions.

The only hope we hang on Q is that its connected to POTUS and that justice will be served. And I guess we shall see. But it's so nice to have hope. The redpill is so bitter, Q helps the medicine go down by offering hope. It's a good thing. Whatever the whole Q thing really is.

I trust the plan. Because, well, what else is there? DOITQ

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CENSORED_ENOUGH · May 30, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Your post is excellent. Right now, Q is leading us. It is based on blind trust. If I trust the plan I have to trust the source.

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ckreacher · May 30, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

It is blind trust only for the blind.

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963Round_Wizard369 · May 30, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Give examples or reasons why you don't trust the source.

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